Is There a Difference Between Hearing and Listening?

Although we use the words hearing and listening interchangeably, they have important differences in meaning. Hearing is a sense. Listening is a learned skill. Hearing is the process of perceiving and processing sound. Listening is the process of hearing and understanding the message heard.

What needs to happen for effective listening:

• Sound waves carry the spoken words to our ears.

• The sound passes through the outer ear canals (if there is no obstruction that would cause it to be blocked), then through the eardrum and travels through the middle ear (undisturbed unless there is fluid formed due to cold, infection or allergy).

• The sound then passes from the middle ear to the inner ear and from there it is transmitted to the brain via the auditory nerve (which must be working correctly).

• Finally, the brain uses what it has heard to make sense of the previously stored information in order to make sense of the message and react accordingly. compares sounds and words.

 Listening is a critical part of communication, like choosing the right words in speech. One person sends a message and the other person receives that message. Talking to someone who isn't paying attention or listening is frustrating because we may have to say the same things over and over again without getting the appropriate response. The person (receiver) with poor listening skills will misunderstand the message, thus causing disappointment. A child with a listening disorder may test your patience, but you should remember that your child is equally frustrated. Parents may interpret their child's disappointing behavior in communication as ignoring the other person or acting careless or stupid.

 A child who has problems with listening skills is likely to have difficulty in the classroom environment because the majority of information provided by teachers is within auditory normal limits. Imagine what your child hears when he enters the classroom: "Kids, please hang your jackets on the hangers and open your backpack. But before you put your backpack away and open it, please give me your lunch. If you bring money for the trip next week, please put it in the red basket on my desk. Before you sit down at your desk, put your pencils away." Make sure the ends are open. When you finish your work, the blue ki Open your tab and wait for me.'' will be disappointed.

 If your child's brain can't focus on listening long enough to make sense of the information, the message will be lost. This is what happens when a child has an auditory memory problem. If the child also has attention deficit problems, the problems may increase. In attention deficit disorder, the brain tries to work on too many tasks at the same time and cannot work long enough to process or comprehend the message. Also, if the brain has difficulty retaining old information, it does not know how to understand the current message; Therefore, auditory comprehension or auditory processing problems may occur.

 Children need strong listening skills to acquire and develop language. Many children with language problems have difficulty with receptive language (perceiving messages) and expressive language (language output, responding verbally to messages) skills. When the child's receptive language is not developed appropriately, the entire language learning process; It may stop before it starts. While sometimes parents may not be concerned when their children do not speak as expected (especially compared to their peers), speech-language pathologists want to see the status of the child's hearing and language comprehension skills. If it is not within normal limits, meaningful speech or expressive language will not develop. Therefore, speech and language therapists focus on strengthening the child's communication skills (listening); This is also true when there is concern about the child not speaking properly.

 If you notice that your child is having difficulty communicating or not being able to respond appropriately, consult your family doctor or pediatrician. If necessary, your doctor will refer you to a speech and language therapist for detailed evaluation. Following a proper diagnosis and the right help, your child's listening skills and language may improve overall.


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