Vestibular neuritis is the second most common disease among the causes of inner ear imbalance. The cause of this disorder, which occurs as a result of infection of the balance nerve, is usually viruses. Rarely, it can also be created bybacteria. For anatomical reasons (since it is located in a longer and narrower canal), the superior balance nerve is often affected. On average, two-thirds of the patients mention the presence of an upper respiratory tract infection before their complaints. In addition to sudden dizziness, systemic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are also evident. Dizzinessmay last for days. Hearing is usually not damaged at all. Although problems with Balance decrease gradually over days – months, the feeling of dizziness – insecurity – imbalance can last for months. Discomfort may recur frequently. It may be frequent, sometimes up to several attacks per year. When making a diagnosis, it is useful to perform a hearing and balance evaluation, as well as an ENT examination of the patient. Treatment is usually aimed at eliminating nausea and vomiting, suppressing the symptoms. In the first days when the complaints are most intense, vestibular system suppressant drugs can be used with care. Long-term and high-dose use of such drugs may cause prolonged recovery. Once the patient feels well, standing up early and starting daily activities in a controlled manner accelerates recovery.

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