Children between 18-36 months of age who have no problem understanding but do not speak or
speak less than expected for their age are children who talk late. These
children show the same development as their peers in other areas such as
play skills, motor skills, and thinking. You can understand how many words children should learn in each month
by looking at the table below:
The age of the child;
12 months, 2-6 words
15 months, 10 words
18 months, 50 words
24 months, 200-300 words
30 months, 450 words
36 months, 1,000 words
42 month, 1,200 words
48 months, 1,600 words
These are average figures, small differences
between these figures are not significant. In addition, prematurely born babies are evaluated according to their corrected, that is, non-chronological age calculation, in terms of their physical and
cognitive development during the first two years. However, early detection of possible speech problems is still
very important. In this table, particular attention should be paid to the period between 18 and 36 months. Because, as can be seen from the
table, there is a significant
increase in word extraction between these months. If your child's words do not increase between these months or if he does not say the words again, this indicates that there may be a problem.
How Can You Help Your Late-Speaking Child?
Families of late-talking children naturally worry and fear at first. He does a lot of research and gets ideas on this subject. While doing these, he reads that some children spontaneously overcome this problem. Some children overcome this situation on their own without therapy or
help, but since it is not known which child will
overcome this situation on their own, it is recommended to start therapy
at an early age.
Like this. What should be done first in such a situation?
We recommend that you consult a speech therapist for evaluation
as soon as possible. As a result of this interview, the therapist will tell you whether this is a problem or not and whether it is necessary to start therapy. However, before words appear, it is very important to play games, take turns and develop non-verbal
communication skills.
How can you improve these? p>
▪ Talk to your child as much as he talks to you. Then show the new
look. The aim is to start from the simple and move on to the difficult. If you start with difficulty
, the child will remain silent because he is having difficulty.
▪ React to the sounds he makes and his movements.
▪ Be fun.
▪ Show that speaking works and that he is understood more quickly
when he speaks.
▪ Do not force him to say words because sounds come first.
▪ When he uses words, respond using one or two words.
▪ Minimize the questions. Minimize it, do not put the child in a difficult situation by asking questions to the child who has difficulty expressing himself. You can also help him/her improve his/her speech through chat.
???? What children should do;
???? Playing games, setting up games,
???? Playing with toys suitable for your vehicle,
???? Extending communication time,
???? Having fun,
???? It means showing interest in new events.
???? What parents should do:
???? Playing games frequently with your child,
???? Complying with the child's communication and movement ways,
???? Waiting,
???? To give time,
???? Showing the next step,
???? Taking turns and extending the communication time,
???? Adapting to and showing interest
in seemingly small steps such as sounds and gestures,
???? Being fun,
???? Believing in your child, in yourself, and that you can do more.
How Can You Support Your Child at Home?
• Limit the use of technological devices
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that it is beneficial for children under the age of 2 not to use technological devices. After the age of 2, it recommends using it for no more than two hours
. According to research,
speech and language problems are more common in children who spend too much time with technological devices. Because children are away from the activities that are necessary for their development
Problems are increasing in m areas.
For example; Children who have no or little experience in areas such as playing symbolic games, communication, socialization, behavior, waiting, etc.
experience problems due to their deficiencies in development areas.
• Give books to your child. read
This is one of the simplest and most effective methods. It will be beneficial for you to spend ten minutes a day and
point to the pictures of the words in the story you are reading. It will be enjoyable to have conversations about the book with little questions and answers. Choosing books according to your child's interests will increase his/her interest.
If you have a child of literacy age, having him/her read a paragraph
and you reading the rest will both improve his/her reading and
will be beneficial for his/her speaking.
• Talk about the things you did together
Talk about what was behind something you did or what you did
while doing it. When describing the events here, pay attention to the order and order of the events.
• Go for a walk and talk about what you see
Let your child talk about the things that interest him first.
For younger children;
Name what they see around them,
Say the names of objects,
Say the actions.
For older children;
Play word games. ,
Ask questions about what's going on around them,
But be careful not to communicate in the form of questions and answers all the time.
Your questions and conversations will be in a way that your child can understand, and if he/she enjoys it, the communication time will be longer.
Do research
about these, try to find books and materials.
For younger children,
Read books together, look at pictures, try to extend the communication time.
For older children,
Identify topics that your child is interested in and take notes
about them.
Try to find books about these topics.
If there are places to go, go and visit together.
/> Tell others what you know about this subject and encourage them to tell
• Family meals
Don't use technological devices to distract you. Let it be turned off or on silent.
Choose a topic and have everyone talk about it in turn.
Say the names of the objects and foods on the table in turn.
Whatever your child wants to chat about, "chat" about that topic.
Make this period the special time you devote to your family.
Instead of correcting your child while he/she is talking, support and guide him/her by telling him the words he can use when he/she has difficulty.
Eye Pay attention to establishing contact, your body language, and communication
skills such as waiting and taking turns.
• Give shorter and more understandable instructions rather than long instructions.
• How to move from one word to two- or three-word sentences?
While playing, say a word and add another word to it. Don't add more than one or two
words. The goal is to go from simple to complex. This gives more results in less
Example: If the child says "train", you can say "train come, blue train, big train, long train,
this train". When the child says "throw a ball" you can say "throw the ball, throw a ball with a face, throw a green
ball, mom throw a ball".
You will have a great opportunity to focus on grammar while doing this.
Example: Child When you say "go to the park", you can correct it and say "go to the park or I went to the park"
• Improving your vocabulary is one of the important steps. The simplest
way; Point to the object, show it, say its name. Be careful to use a single word
so that the child does not get confused.
Is There a Connection Between Behavior Problems and Late Speech?
Express his/her wishes, dislikes, feelings, thoughts and questions
A child who cannot convey /> and does not know when he can convey it exhibits a behavioral
problem. Behavior problems manifest themselves in two ways. The child either becomes withdrawn, becomes silent, or exhibits problem
behaviors such as harmful movements, crying, and anger. In both cases, the child's socialization, making friends
and exhibiting socially accepted behavior are delayed. That's why it's so important to start therapy at an early age. Because with therapy started at an early age
, more success is achieved in a shorter time.
Çiğdem Buzul, KDT
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