Selenium is a mineral that is very important for human health and must be taken externally, even in small amounts. It is a mineral that prevents cell damage and protects tissues with its high antioxidant capacity. It is found in the body in the spleen, kidney, liver, pancreas and testicles. We can call selenium, which has many functional functions, an anti-aging mineral.
It reduces the oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body by taking part in the structure of the glutathione peroxidase enzyme. Selenium and vitamin E together increase its antioxidant function. Therefore, selenium is a complete anti-cancer agent. acts as a shield. It has a particularly high protective effect against colon, liver, lung, uterine and prostate cancers. However, although it is known that the use of supplementation reduces the risk of cancer, it should not be forgotten that the negative effects of excessive intake are not fully known.
High antioxidant capacity is a factor that reduces the risk of Alzheimer's in brain cells. It is a mineral that strengthens the immune system.
The contributions of selenium to the functioning of the thyroid gland, which has a direct effect on metabolism, cannot be denied. Research says that seleium increases the function of the slow thyroid gland. In other words, taking selenium supplements under the supervision of a doctor can support a thyroid that has begun to deteriorate.
One of its most important functions is its function on heart diseases. It is effective against a heart disease known as Keshan disease. It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL). It reduces the risk of heart attack and protects cardiovascular health.
It also has positive effects on fertility for women and men. It increases the production and quality of sperm. This effect increases even more if it is supplemented with vitamin E.
Deficiency of selenium can cause muscle weakness, increased risk of heart diseases, increased risk of thyroid diseases and cancer, and weakening of the immune system.
Excess of selenium is also toxic. Problems such as problems with visual functions, tooth decay, bad breath, hair loss, and nail breakage may occur. Especially when taking supplements, it is beneficial to take them with the advice of an expert based on blood tests.
The daily selenium requirement is 70 mcg for adult men and 55 mcg for women.
The best dietary sources of selenium are as follows:
fish and other seafood
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turkey and chicken
red meat
brazil nuts
nuts such as walnuts and almonds
whole grains
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