Pap smear (or smear test) is a screening test used in gynecology. This test, which is used as a screening test for cervical cancer, offers early diagnosis. Abnormal cells seen in cell samples taken from the cervix may be a precancerous lesion, and thanks to early diagnosis, cancer can be prevented before it develops.

When should the test be performed?

Regarding PAP smear screening for the early detection of cervical cancer, the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women have more sexual intercourse before their first sexual experience. After 3 years or when they reach the age of 21, regardless of whether they are sexually active or not, they recommend that they have a PAP smear test once every 3 years for those aged 30 and over. Pap smear and HPV test (as a combination test) are recommended once every 5 years for those between the ages of 30-65, and if only Pap smear test is to be performed, it is recommended to be performed once every 3 years.

American Obstetricians and Gynecologists Board (American College of Obstetricians andGynecologist, ACOG), who has been or is currently sexually active at any time in his/her life or is over 21 It is recommended that all women aged 30-65 years of age should have an annual pelvic examination and a Pap smear every 3 years. For those aged 30-65, Pap smear and HPV test (as a combined test) are recommended once every 5 years. If only Pap smear test will be performed, it is also recommended once every 3 years. It is recommended to do this. Pap smear is not recommended as a routine examination under the age of 21.


When should the smear test be terminated?

Total Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) After surgery (if no cancerous or precancerous lesions are detected in the cervix, routine Pap smear testing may be terminated. Women over the age of 65-70, who have not had abnormal PAP test results in the last 10 years and who have three or more normal PAP test results, are excluded from the cervical cancer screening program. It is recommended to remove them.

In order for the smear test to give good results, the points to be taken into consideration before the test are; Avoid sexual intercourse for two days before the smear test, wash the area with antiseptic liquids, use spermicide foam, cream or Using a gel should be avoided.

What should be done if the Pap smear test result is abnormal?

If the Pap smear test is abnormal, a further examination is performed with colposcopy and where deemed necessary. A biopsy is taken and pathological examination is performed.



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