Parent Education for Emotional Intelligence Development in Children

The family and cultural environment in which children live has a significant impact on their ability to express their emotions. Children who grow up in a family environment that allows them to express what they feel comfortably feel the need to further develop their vocabulary to convey their feelings. As a result, they learn more words. Children who grow up in families that do not feel enough freedom experience difficulties in expression. Everyone has and will have moments in their life when they get angry, angry, hated or have a pessimistic view of things. The important thing is not to display these emotions that he partially experiences, but to be able to control them. It is about which emotion, where, how, to what extent and in what way it is reflected to others and how one can develop attitudes and behaviors accordingly by understanding their emotions. This is a matter of skill. It can be learned, taught and improved. Children will experience many different emotions similar to these in their lives and reflect these emotions to their parents and friends.

We must provide emotional literacy to our children in the preschool period. For emotional development in children; It is necessary to add new emotion words to the child's vocabulary. For this purpose;

First of all, parents need to understand that children have a different problem and accept this fact. They must embrace their unique qualities.

The best way to raise children who care about others and are interested in them; It is to teach random ways to do good deeds.

Acquiring a hobby is important in gaining emotional intelligence skills as it carries both play and work elements.

  • Hobbies should not last less than six months. Hobby; It is important in increasing effort and effort.


    To raise realistically thinking children;
