One of the important visual and functional structures in the external genital area is the labium; It has two different shapes: the inner, small lips, that is, the labium minus, and the outer, large lips, that is, the labium majus. Labiums have some functions such as arousal during sexual intercourse, aesthetic appearance, and protection against external factors such as infection by covering the chamber.
These lips, which can be noticed from a young age, tend to grow over time and with age. Sometimes they can show excessive growth. Many factors such as sexual intercourse, pregnancy, use of industrial products such as cosmetics, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, structural anomalies, hereditary conditions, varicose veins, smoking and substance use can cause excessive growth, sagging or asymmetrical deformities in the lips.
Such shape changes, which can develop at any age, can cause problems that affect the person's quality of life. The most common problems that cause discomfort are pain in general, difficulty in having sexual intercourse, labia majora entering the chamber during intercourse, swelling and sagging, persistent itching and odor causing intense and recurring discharge, aesthetic visual dissatisfaction, difficulty in wearing tight clothes and swimsuits, visible from the outside. and similar complaints. Women from all walks of life, feeling such discomfort, can apply for surgery to eliminate existing complaints.
In general, the process of correcting the lips is called LABIOPLASTY. When we say labiaplasty, what we mean mostly, which is one of the most common genital operations, is the reduction, cutting and repair of the labia minora; We can also call it minor labiaplasty or labium minoruroplasty.
Labioplasty operation can be performed unilaterally or bilaterally in isolation, and this operation is often performed with clitoral hudoplasty (removing the excess, sagging tissues around the clitoris). correction) is also applied additionally. Cutting and correction procedures can be performed with laser or directly using surgical instruments. Regardless of the instrument used, different types of operations are defined (linear excision, wedge resection, Z plasty…). Which The procedure to be performed and how much tissue will be removed varies from person to person, so a single type of operation cannot be applied for labiaplasty; Therefore, experience is very important in such operations. Many other genital plastic surgery or medical procedures can be performed simultaneously in combination. The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia in hospital conditions or with local/short-term analgesia in office or clinic conditions. It varies depending on. Following the operation, an overnight stay in a hospital or clinic is not normally required. It is a day-to-day procedure. After a short period of observation, the patient is discharged with recommendations specific to the procedure performed. The use of antibiotics and various creams may be additionally recommended. Restricting activity for a certain period of time will be sufficient, but movements that will cause friction between the legs should be avoided. It is important to keep the genital area dry and airy. The first bath can be taken within 3-4 days. Of course, scrubs should not be applied to the treated area. For the first sexual intercourse, a period of 4 weeks at the earliest will be sufficient. In general, we can say that there is a healing process that varies between 3 and 8 weeks on average.
Apart from the side effects of the anesthesia, analgesics and drugs used, there are a limited number of side effects related to the operation. The pain will continue for a short time, and this will be easily resolved with painkillers. Edema may develop due to the operation, but this will resolve spontaneously over time, so the early appearance of the genital area will be misleading. Some undesirable side effects such as bleeding, stitches coming loose, discharge, and infection may occur, so postoperative wound care is important.
The most important thing, which is also undesirable but can be seen from time to time. A bad outcome may be that the appearance is not in line with the patient's expectations and an asymmetrical appearance may occur. Afterwards, undesirable appearances can be corrected with smaller operations called revision.
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