Children and Technological Devices

When we talk about children's interest in technology, we think of computers, the internet, telephones, televisions and other electronic devices. Technology has both positive and negative aspects. Children and young people spending long periods of time in front of the internet, computers and television creates social, emotional and physical problems. It prevents children from socializing, especially by preventing them from communicating. For this reason, it is not right for children to be introduced to such devices from a very young age and to be overexposed to them. Especially in the first 2 years of age, when development is rapid, children should be kept away from technological devices as much as possible.
In the next 4 years, children's exposure to technology should be limited and its content should also be controlled. Violent computer games, horror movies, websites with inappropriate content, etc. Technology elements such as these may cause serious psychological problems in children or prevent their normal psychological development. This kind of behavior of families; Children are exposed to technology from an early age, which can lead to potential technology addiction. In addition, these behaviors prevent the child from expressing himself and coping with problems appropriately. Likewise, these behaviors can turn into rituals and create habits in children. In later periods, children may look forward to using phones and similar technological devices to keep quiet or calm down.

The same problems also apply to children and teenagers in school age. The only difference is that computer use is allowed for homework and educational purposes during the school period.

Physical vision problems (near vision, double vision, lazy eye, etc.), posture and skeletal problems (hunchback, back and neck pain, muscle aches). etc.), radiation risk (increased risk of many cancers), physical problems caused by less movement (excessive weight, heart problems, etc.).

Psychosocial effects also cause many negativities. Especially children who are attracted by the internet and computer games and spend most of their time in front of the computer develop "internet addiction" after a while. �ğı” is formed. Such as internet addiction, TV addiction, gambling addiction, overeating. Stomach reduction surgery. It is a behavioral addiction. This can also be called a Technology Addiction. Technological addictions are divided into two: passive (TV addiction) or active (Computer addiction). The rate of addiction, which is initially low, may increase without realizing it and gradually covers the whole life. Some children are more prone to computer addiction and its negative ramifications than other children. Naturally, these children are the ones who feel the attraction of virtual life most strongly. Any amount of time may be too much for them. Spending more and more time on the computer, becoming withdrawn, decreasing eye contact, decreasing verbal communication, wanting to play more and more often, withdrawing from social life from peers, having problems with adults, not fulfilling responsibilities, repetitive body movements (rocking back and forth, moving fingers unnecessarily). Many signs and symptoms such as talking to oneself, withdrawal symptoms (tremors when the connection is blocked, excessive irritability and daydreaming, detachment from peer relationships and increase in physical weight and inactivity, inability to evaluate reality, etc.) indicate computer addiction.

In addition, children who are exposed to excessive TV and computers in the early stages of life (0-3 years) develop an autism-like condition, which significantly hinders the child's social and language development.

Research has shown that for a long time It has been determined that prolonged exposure to TV and computers has serious negative effects on children's learning, visual memory and imagination skills. It has been found that there is a significant difference in drawing ability, memory and ability to establish cause and effect relationships between children who were exposed to TV and computers for less than 1 hour during the preschool period and those who were exposed to more than 1 hour, and that children who watched less TV and computers showed good performance.

Children establish virtual relationships and closeness through many social networking sites that are popular today. The difference between relationships in this virtual world and real relationships is that children It cannot be separated as . The danger of wandering around in chat rooms without revealing their physical identity may manifest itself in the behavior of withdrawing from real social life in the future.

In fact, a very introverted person can make friends on the internet that will support his sense of self-confidence. Research has shown that children who chat on the internet for a long time have trouble making friends in real life. In a study, when children were asked how they felt while surfing the Web, the most common answer was "lonely". These lonely children increasingly find it difficult to communicate in society and begin to have negative feelings and thoughts towards society. In addition, another study found that children who use the internet excessively read fewer books.

Inappropriate internet use among young people can lead to wrong sexual experiences, alcohol and drug use, and involvement in crime.

Technological devices Although efforts are made to reduce the radiation it emits, it is not completely eliminated. Radiation increases the risk of cancer, especially by affecting fast-growing cells. Children have rapid cell proliferation, especially in terms of growth and development, and they are in the group with the highest risk in terms of radiation. Especially brain and bone marrow development is risky in terms of radiation. Radiation inhibits brain development in children and increases the risk of brain cancer by 3-4 times. Radiation exposure in children, learning, attention, memory, etc. It causes negative effects on many brain processes such as. In this regard, mobile phones are in the first place in terms of danger, especially since they emit high electromagnetic radiation. Exposure to radiation increases the risk of bone marrow cancer (leukemia). Many types of cancer, such as lymphoma, thyroid cancer, and skin cancer, occur due to the effects of radiation.

Research shows that 62% of parents do not know which sites their children browse. When children were asked which sites they visited, 44% stated that they visited sites with sexual content, 14% stated that they visited bomb manufacturing sites, and 12% stated that they visited sites containing information on where to buy weapons. 43% say their family does not set any rules regarding the internet , 31% stated that their family followed the rules, and 26% stated that they did what they wanted despite the rules. As a result, parents should know how to emerge victorious in the face of this technological revolution without engaging in a power struggle. This is only possible by acting determined and consistent. The parent should always be in control. Limits must be drawn regarding the duration of use of technology and must be strictly adhered to.


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