Unfortunately, people are very confused about the most popular topics in nutrition lately.
The necessity of snacking is one of these issues. While the eternal enemy of diet is the fear of starving, you can overcome your fear of starving while dieting with healthy snacks by determining the appropriate time intervals.
The best way to reduce your appetite is to have snacks. Traveling, traffic, meeting, chatting with friends, wherever you are; It is up to you to control your weight by prolonging your satiety period with healthy and enjoyable snacks suitable for you. So what are these snacks? Let's examine it together.
1. Snack for those who say "My work is too far from home, I cannot have breakfast at home";
If breakfast time will be at least 2 hours after waking up, it is useful to start the day with a snack
br /> There is.
1 glass of milk + 7-8 raw almonds can be a suitable snack for everyone before breakfast. People who complain of gas with milk
can choose lactose-free milk.
2. Snack for those who say "I want my breakfast to be practical but healthy";
You may not be able to prepare a lavish breakfast every day, but this will keep you healthy
/> should not distract from breakfast menus. 3 spoons of plain
oatmeal and a handful of seasonal fruit added to a glass of milk or yoghurt are among the best options that you can easily prepare and consume. 3. “I'm not very hungry, but I want to eat something.” Snack for those who say;
If the gap between 2 main meals is short with
3 whole walnuts that you will consume with unsweetened milk or black coffee; It is one of the most enjoyable snacks that can be preferred.
4. Snack for those who say "I have dinner late";
Especially for those who work in big cities, have difficulty reaching home after work, eat dinner late. Those who have to do this are the group that needs satisfying snacks
as a snack. In order not to turn this situation into a problem, you can create balanced and satisfying snacks anywhere, with tea or ayran along with cheese
toast or sandwich prepared with whole wheat bread.
5. “I want to have a sweet getaway. ” Snack for those who say:
My first suggestion is always to skip it. Dried fruits are also one of the savior options in such times. Especially dried dates and dried figs are an excellent alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth in the healthiest way.
6. Snack for those who say "I want to be able to carry my snack everywhere";
Packaged products are easy It is one of the foods that almost everyone buys due to its portability.
However, when the sugar and additive contents of the products purchased without examining the labels are ignored, snacks can become quite unhealthy, be careful! If you make sure that the packaged product you consume does not contain added sugar, you will prevent possible weight gain. Unprocessed nuts and fresh/dried fruit options are options that you can carry
7. “Can it be a snack like a main meal?” Snack for those wondering:
For those who are not hungry enough to prepare a main meal but are aware of the need to create a meal every 3-4 hours, 1 bowl of home-prepared creamless soup or a salad made of seasonal
vegetables. It could very well be a snack.
8. “Can't it be a cheat snack?” Snack for those wondering:
3 scoops of ice cream without a cone and without glucose syrup (be careful to read the label!) will be an enjoyable snack that everyone
will enjoy. Ideal for spring and summer :)
9. “I can't give up traditional tastes.” Snack for those who say;
1-2 slices of low-salt cheese and sourdough rye or whole wheat
bread to be consumed with it is perhaps one of the easiest menus that can be prepared. Moreover, it is very satisfying and
10. “Can it be a liquid snack only?” Snack for those wondering:
Of course it is possible. Fruit milk or kefir that you can prepare at home, unsweetened milk or black coffee, homemade unsweetened lemonade are among the foods you can choose as a liquid snack.
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