Pregnancy and Sexuality

Pregnancy is one of the most complex periods in women's lives, both physically and emotionally. In this period of intense change, women, on the one hand, try to adapt to these changes, and on the other hand, face many right or wrong guidance from those around them. As with many other issues, unfounded information about sexual life during pregnancy pushes expectant mothers to unnecessary fear and anxiety.

Should Sexual Life End?

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological period of life. Therefore, it is unnecessary to treat expectant mothers as patients. However, it should not be forgotten that some risks await both the expectant mother and the baby during this period. It would be best to intervene during periods when these risks increase, solve the problem, and then continue to follow the healthy pregnancy process.

In line with this logic, ending sexual life during pregnancy would not be an appropriate decision. The uterine cavity where the baby is placed and the vagina where sexual intercourse is performed are not the same organ. There are anatomical and chemical barriers between the vagina and the uterus. For these reasons, it is out of the question to harm the baby during sexual intercourse. Studies have shown that sexual intercourse does not cause problems such as miscarriage, premature birth, pregnancy poisoning, and premature opening of the water bladder in healthy expectant mothers. Similarly, contrary to a common belief, orgasm during pregnancy does not harm the mother and baby.

However, pregnant women with vaginal bleeding should avoid sexual intercourse until the cause of bleeding is determined. Sexual intercourse will also be risky for pregnant women who are found to have a high risk of miscarriage during the checks and whose waters are observed to have broken. Sexual intercourse should also be prohibited in case of a threat of premature birth due to uterine contractions or cervical insufficiency.

What Should Pregnant Partners Pay Attention to?

The most important point that expectant fathers should pay attention to is the psychology of their spouses. Especially in the first months of pregnancy, there is a feeling of weakness, dizziness and drowsiness, which is also increased by nausea. These changes may cause the expectant mother to move away from sexuality and become reluctant. This is very natural and also temporary. Three. The father-to-be being helpful and understanding in such situations makes the process easier.

With the fourth month, hormonal changes occur and the expectant mother becomes more energetic, happy and excited. These are the periods when pregnant women's sexual desire (libido) is at its highest. Pregnant women are more easily stimulated and can reach orgasm more easily, thanks to the increased blood flow to the genital organs. However, the changing body shape of the baby as it grows brings new requirements. As the uterus grows, some physical restrictions begin. During sexual intercourse, positions in which the woman's abdomen will be comfortable should be preferred, and care should be taken to avoid squeezing the baby.

It is necessary to enjoy the pregnancy

As a result, sexual intercourse is harmless for the baby and the expectant mother unless otherwise stated by the physician. There is no reason to hesitate to have sex if you do not have any medical problems. Pregnancy is the most beautiful and unique experience you can have as a woman, where you can continue your normal life. Expectant mothers should enjoy this special period of their lives.

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