What Should a Healthy Father-Child Relationship Be Like?

I loved my father the most in my life

A child growing out of the ground like a blackthorn tree

With his frail legs, he may or may not fall

The way he runs, a giant follows him


I loved my playboy father like that


Fathers are the giant heroes of children. Always the strongest, always the most reliable, always the most savior, always the most protective. Although psychological science has focused on the mother-child relationship for many years; In recent years, studies emphasizing the importance of the father model in the child's life have been increasing rapidly. It is now an undoubted fact that a healthy relationship with the father is very effective in the child's development of self-confidence, ability to take responsibility, and ability to establish successful social relationships.

While the cultural structure we are in holds the mother responsible for the child's development, the father responds to the financial needs of the family and therefore the child. held in a giving position. Fathers who grew up and were raised in this culture learned that this was their duty and tried to fulfill this duty properly, and felt sufficient to the extent that they could achieve this. However, the changing world has opened new horizons for us and shown us that the psychological importance of the father in the family is an undeniable fact.

First of all, let's focus on the behaviors that fathers have been taught so far and the behaviors that fathers avoid doing. The father does not hold his child because it is shameful. The father does not show affection to his child because his authority is shaken. The father does not come from work and play with his child because he is tired. The father should not laugh a lot at home and should be strict, because if he does otherwise, the child will be spoiled. If the child shows undesirable behavior at home, 'it is told to the father in the evening', because the father is punishing. We can increase these examples. Dads who have read this far, how satisfied are you with this profile created for you? What is written hereafter is for those who do not like this profile and, in today's words, want to change their profile picture, and want to put a picture in their window that is more cute, more moderate, and at the same time in control, when viewed from the child's eyes, and who solves the problems by communicating with their child in a healthy way, instead of punishment.

Let's see how to create this image. First of all, when the father returns home from work, the child waits for him with excitement, no matter how tired he is. He should hug her, show that he misses her and loves her with his actions or words (or both), and spend at least half an hour for mutual conversation. If he is tired, he should set a play time with the child, rest and play with the child within the promised time period. This may not always be a game that requires physical energy; drawing, painting, cutting paper, building lego, etc. together. There may also be events. While performing these activities, it is very important to stay away from technological devices such as phones, tablets and televisions, if possible, in order to maximize the efficiency of the time spent. The father should accept his child as he is, not compare him with others, support the child's efforts, be consistent and determined with the mother in the face of negative behavior, and avoid being too harsh.

Finally, fathers should not forget that they are a very important model and should not behave in ways that they do not want to see in their children. If they are doing it themselves, they should make an effort to stop it. For boys, the father is a guide. He tries to infer how he will behave and what roles he will assume by observing the role of the father. For girls, the father figure is the basis for their relationships with the opposite sex. To them, their father is a reflection of the outside world, and as their father is, so should all men outside. I wish you to always remain giant heroes in the eyes of your children...


As you were running, followed by that giant in flight

My breath, my mind, my dear home was opened for other kinds of loves, wider loves.

I loved my father the most in my life (CAN YÜCEL)


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