It is compassion that holds us together, initiates and continues our relationships, makes our lives more meaningful and livable, enlightens our hearts, souls and path, and silences the voice of evil.
We must appreciate what we have and what is in our creation. We realize the value of what we have when we are about to lose it or when we are faced with losing it.
For example, if our ability to access the water we have is restricted, we understand the value of that water better. To give another example, when any of our limbs are damaged or lost, we realize that its existence is priceless.
We can give many examples of such concrete situations. There are also virtues that are not concrete, but whose existence we know and whose presence beautifies our lives. Such as mercy, justice, humility, generosity. We must keep these virtues alive. We adults have a great responsibility to develop and strengthen these feelings in our children who have been entrusted to our care. A parent who embraces compassion at every step raises a compassionate child.
We must especially instill compassion in our children, who are the trustees of our future. If we adults have a note we want to send to the future, it is our children who will carry that note and keep it alive.
Let's not forget that we can build a compassionate society as we approach our children, who are the shapers of the future, with our care and love.
I would like to talk a little about the roles of parents in nurturing the child's innate compassion. We can teach the child to behave compassionately by exhibiting compassionate behavior. The child learns by observing and hearing in the first years of life.
First of all, spouses should be compassionate to each other, their environment, living creatures and nature, parents should do some charity activities and visits with the child, if there is a hand asking for help from the parent, they should reach out to that hand with their child and let the child taste the taste of sharing, and the child should help the creatures living on the street. Food and water should be provided. Such seemingly small steps in adult life are of much greater importance in the child's world than expected. Every process that develops the child's compassion makes positive contributions to his spiritual world and psychological resilience.
Compassionate behavior is expected. There is no such thing, this needs to be explained well, especially to children. Finally, I would like to remind you of a legacy left to us by our ancestors. “Do a good deed and throw it into the sea. If the fish doesn't know, the fish will know.”
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