The jaw joint is the only joint in the body that needs to work in coordination. While the right-hand joint is working, the left-hand joint must also work at the same time. Since it will be difficult for these two joints to work simultaneously, jaw joint discomfort is very common.
Jaw Joint Discomfort Causes?
We swallow about 3000 times a day. Every time we swallow, we close our teeth by working our joints. Accordingly, the strength and positions of our muscles change according to the positions of our teeth. Changing muscle forces prevent the coordinated work of the joints, and as a result, joint discomfort begins to occur.
What Causes Jaw Joint Pain?
Right Deformations begin to occur over time in the jaw joint, which works unevenly on the left and the left side. Deformations occur in both cartilage and bones. These deformations cause pain over time.
Why Does the Jaw Joints Make Sound?
Due to the jaw muscles not working properly, the cartilage in the joint is exposed to extreme forces for a long time. The deformations that occur as a result of this cause the placement problem of the joint cartilage and the cartilage sounds snapping.
What is Bruxism?
Continuous clenching and grinding of the teeth, with or without awareness, is called.
What is the Relationship Between Bruxism and Jaw Joint Discomfort ?
Patients with bruxist are exposed to cartilage and bone damage due to constant clenching of teeth and jaws. Accordingly, painful and painful joint discomfort is frequently encountered in these patients.
How to Treat Jaw Joint Discomfort?
Joint discomfort is generally performed as orthodontic treatment. . The position and position of the teeth guide the positions of the muscles. Regulating the positions of the muscles can also regulate joint discomfort.
What is a joint splint?
The joint splint is the jaw formed when the positions of the teeth are correct but the jaw movements are wrong e is called treatment designed to eliminate joint discomfort. With this treatment, we regulate the working principles of the muscles and treat the discomfort.
Our primary goal in the treatment of joint discomfort should be to regulate and solve the position of the teeth and the working principle of the muscles. If these problems of the patient are not resolved, long-term discomfort may occur again.
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