Obesity, Diabetes and accompanying cardiovascular diseases are the most common health problems in society. Serious diets during the fight against obesity, as well as encouraging women, especially women, to be thin or even extremely thin for social reasons can actually cause serious medical problems.


In recent years. In important studies, it has been understood that being underweight can cause more serious medical problems compared to overweight people.


This situation becomes more obvious with increasing lifespan and increasing chronic diseases.

In this graph, the relationship between weight for height (BODY MASS INDEX) and mortality rate is shown as a result of a one-year follow-up of elderly people living in nursing homes (400 patients). The people on the left of the graph are underweight, and the people on the right are overweight and obese. At the end of 1 year, you can see how high the mortality rate is in those who are thin.





The ratio of your weight to the square of your height (in meters)


170 cm height, 65 kilos

BMI : 65 / (1.7x1.7 m) = 65 / 2.89 = 22.5 kg/m2

There are many applications on the internet that make this measurement!


This is it again. In the study, apart from the weak ones, the death rate was also found to be increased in those who were malnourished and had weakened muscles.



Other similar studies:


  • INTENSIVE CARE: Pepper et al. Critical Care 2016
  • 7000 patients. The death rate is lower in those at the upper limit of the normal weight range than in those with lower weight.



  • HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS: Cereda and arc. Clinical Nutrition 2016
  • 97 000 patients. The mortality rate increases significantly in those with a low BODY MASS INDEX (height/weight2) (18.5 kg/m2) compared to others.


  • CANCER:Hong et al. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016.
  • 113000 patients. Lowest death rate is 25 to 27.4 kg/m2. The mortality rate is high in those who are weaker and overweight. On the other hand, the mortality rate increases more seriously in underweight people than in overweight people.


  • HEART DISEASES: Srikanthan et al. American Journal of Cardiology 2016
  • 6500 patients. Mortality rate is lowest in those with high muscle mass, fat mass and weight relative to height!! The death rate is lowest in a group with high muscle mass and low fat mass.


  • GENERAL SOCIETY OVER 40 YEARS OF AGE. Padwal et al. Annals of Internal Medicine 2016
  • 55000 patients. The mortality rate is significantly higher in those whose weight relative to height (BODY MASS INDEX KG/M2) is low. The death rate is also increased in those with high fat content, although not as much as in those with low weight.


  • KIDNEY FAILURE (THOSE ON HEMODIALIZATION). Caetano et al. Journal of Renal Nutrition 2016.
  • 700 patients. The mortality rate is significantly higher in those who are underweight (low body mass index) and have low fat content.



    World Health According to the data of the organization, the normal weight range (BODY MASS INDEX) is 18.5 – 25 kg/m2. In other words, the normal weight range for an individual with a height of 170 cm is 53.5 – 72 kilos.


    Being healthy,

    Resisting diseases and emergencies

    Emergency In order to cope successfully with medical situations (accident, operation, etc.):


    It seems best to have a weight that is slightly above the normal weight range. It stands. So, in the light of all these data, I can say that it seems advantageous to have a BODY MASS INDEX in the range of 23-25 ​​kg/m2.

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