Interactive Reading with Children

What is the interactive book reading method with children? What are the benefits for the development of the child?

As parents, most of us want our pre-school child to be able to speak comfortably, form understandable sentences and express himself. For this, we read books to our children, tell fairy tales and stories. But here the child is a listener and therefore in a passive position. Being passive is the child;

Our pre-school child, who is illiterate yet, does not need to exercise his mind, make a special effort to learn or pay attention. In order to develop her skills, we need to attract her attention, keep her attention and involve her in the activity. Interactive Book Reading; It is a very effective method for the child to develop these skills. While supporting the child's developmental skills with interactive book reading, on the other hand, it can strengthen our parent-child bonds; in this way, we can contribute to our child's establishing a secure attachment.

There are three main ideas on the basis of interactive book reading. These; (1) involve the child in the reading process; (2) providing feedback to the child; and (3) adapting the adult's reading style to the children's language skills. In this way, the child transitions from being a passive listener to an active listening state where he participates in the process. Some of the ways to read interactive books are;

“ Asking short-answer and open-ended questions such as 5W1K (What, How, Where, When, Why, Who) instead of closed-ended questions such as “Yes-No”; It encourages the child to think and speak, enabling him to use his language skills. In addition, new information can be taught to the child with feedback, and in this way, the child can reform what he says, we can improve the skills of adding new information to existing knowledge, correcting mislearned and contributing to increase self-confidence. You can use methods such as looking at the picture and asking the picture to tell you what it means, if there is an event in your real life, to make a connection between the story and real life, for reading interactive books.

These activities take the child out of the situation where he is just a listener; allows us to include it in the book even if it is not a reading. In this way, the child who is not yet literate; they can participate in an activity that is shared, interactive and keeps their interest. This contributes to the development of the child's social communication skills, early literacy and school-oriented academic skills, attention skills, receptive and expressive language skills, self-expression skills, phonology and vocabulary, and self-confidence. You can get support from experts working in the field of development for more information on the subject.

Enjoyable Readings with Your Child,

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