Vestibular schwannoma (VS) [acoustic neuroma] ranks first among thetumoral causes of balance disorder. It is seen in one in 100,000 individuals every year. It originates 95% from the cells that form the sheath of the balance nerve and 5% from the sheath of the auditory nerve. Rarely, this tumor can be seen in both ears along with other diseases. Dizziness, imbalance, tinnitus, and unilateral hearing loss occur in attacks or with position changes. . Balance-related symptoms seen in the early period may disappear later due to central balancing (compensation). When the tumor grows too large, facial numbness and facial muscle weakness (facial paralysis) may occur due to compression of the auditory and balance nerves. Tumors that grow too large can put pressure on the brainstem and brain, causing severe symptoms and even death. Small tumors can be monitored at regular intervals. Large tumors can be treated with surgery or radiotherapy.

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