When can I start my normal activities such as driving, walking, going to work?
You can return to your normal activities two days after the transfer. If your job is very stressful and tiring, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about this issue.

You should not have sexual intercourse until you receive the result of the pregnancy test.

Comfortable in a bed You can lie down or sit in a chair in any position you choose. It is enough to rest for a day or two, except for toilet use and similar situations. If you live outside the city, we recommend that you rest for a day before leaving.

You can take a warm shower one day after the transfer. It is recommended to avoid hot baths.

In what cases can the treatment be considered unsuccessful and canceled?
- The response of the ovaries may be inadequate and Your treatment may be canceled before egg collection.
- Although there is a developed follicle in the ovaries, an egg may not come out. There are two main reasons for this situation. There may be no eggs in the follicles (empty follicle syndrome). This condition occurs in less than 1% of patients. In other cases, follicles may crack prematurely before egg collection. This situation occurs in 2-5% of patients, depending on the stimulation protocol applied. In this case, the collected eggs will be empty.
- The eggs may not be fertilized. This condition is extremely rare in the era of microinjection. However, in 2-5% of patients, fertilization may not occur due to abnormal eggs. (Fertilization failure)
Fertilized eggs may not divide. This condition is also extremely rare and is generally due to egg disorder.
- Sperm may not be found during surgery in azoospermic men. In such a case, the treatment is canceled before egg collection.
- A normal embryo may not be found in cases where PGD is performed. In such a case, embryo transfer

  • Are there long-term side effects of in vitro fertilization treatment?

Stimulation of the ovaries causes an increase in the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Although it has been suggested that this may be the case, this has not yet been proven. Since infertility itself is a risk factor for both types of cancer; It is not known whether the increased risk observed in some studies is due to treatment or infertility. Studies and long-term follow-ups on this subject are still continuing. It is recommended that women who receive IVF treatment and cannot become pregnant should not neglect their regular annual gynecological check-ups and mammograms (according to their age).
The risk of ovarian cancer; It is more common in women with a family history of ovarian cancer and in women living in industrial societies; It is known that pregnancy, breastfeeding and use of birth control pills reduce this risk.

  • How long should you take a break after an unsuccessful attempt?

For the second try, a 1-month break is sufficient. There is no difference in the success of treatment between a longer break and a shorter break. What is important is the couple's psychology and financial situation. For couples who feel ready, the trials can be repeated without long breaks. Although the chance of pregnancy remains more or less the same for the first three attempts, this rate decreases afterwards.

  • Are the pregnancies of people who get pregnant through in vitro fertilization more risky than normal pregnancies?

A woman who becomes pregnant through IVF has a higher risk of premature birth and having a low birth weight baby. In addition, in some special cases (such as the man being azoospermic), there is a slight increase in genetic abnormalities. Apart from these, in case of multiple pregnancies, especially twin pregnancies, women are vulnerable to all the complications brought by such pregnancies. It's becoming. The most important and risky period for these pregnancies is the first 3 months of pregnancy. Close monitoring is required, especially during this period.

  • Can sperm be obtained from stem cells? Is there such an application?

Sperm cannot be obtained from stem cells yet. Pregnancy can be achieved by maturing immature sperm cells in the laboratory. It has been studied extensively, but very few pregnancies have been achieved in the world with this method and therefore it has been abandoned. Currently, there is a need for a mature sperm cell or at least "spermatids" that have started to form a tail in testicular biopsies taken for microinjection application to azoospermic patients. .

  • How is the success of an in vitro fertilization center measured and what does it depend on?

There are many statistics that measure the success of in vitro fertilization centers. There is a criterion. The most commonly used of these are "percentage of pregnancy after transfer" and "rate of taking the baby home". The take-home baby rate refers to the rate of live and healthy babies taken home after pregnancies developed after in vitro fertilization. It is perhaps the most important ratio that expresses success. Many factors affect the success of in vitro fertilization procedures, but the most important among them are; It is related to the laboratory conditions, the success of the laboratory and the skills of the person performing the transfer.

  • I have a uterine film (Hysterosalpingography - HSG) taken before, is a new HSG necessary?

No, a new HSG film is not required if you have not had an operation after this procedure and it is more than 3 years old.

  • In vitro fertilization ( Is office hysteroscopy test sufficient instead of HSG film before IVF) treatment?

Some centers offer "Office Hysteroscopy", which is a simpler and painless procedure, instead of taking HSG before treatment if your HSG film is old. (Office H/S)" movie can be shot. With Office H/S, the inside of the uterus can be evaluated clearly with a small camera inserted into the uterus.

  • I do not know how to administer the injection drugs used in in vitro fertilization, what should I do?

We prefer that your injections be administered to you by yourself or your partner. It is possible to learn the application of drugs generally used as subcutaneous injections in a short time. Even if you do not want to do this procedure, it is important for you to know how it is done so that you can control the people who will perform this procedure for you. The medications you will use during the in vitro fertilization process will be explained to you in detail.

  • Yu How long does the opus collection process (OPU) take?

How long the OPU process takes is related to the number of follicles in the ovaries. However, it can be said that it takes an average of 15-30 minutes. We recommend that you spend at least 3 hours for this procedure, taking into account the preparations before the procedure and the rest period after the procedure.

  • Is egg collection a painful procedure?

Opu (egg collection) procedure is a not very painful procedure that can be performed without using any medication. However, today it is administered with minimal discomfort using intravenous sedatives and painkillers. In addition, patients who want to sleep completely are put to sleep by the anesthesiologist.

  • How will I feel after the egg retrieval procedure?

With the effect of anesthetic drugs There may be drowsiness. There may also be a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. If you feel well enough, you can return to work the next day.

  • Does the follicle seen during egg collection contain an egg?

No. However, sometimes if there are many follicles present, it is not possible to count all of them accurately. In this case, more eggs can be obtained than what we see on ultrasonography. However, unfortunately, eggs may not be obtained in cases where only a few follicles are present on ultrasonography. In rare cases, although there are many visible follicles in the ovaries, no eggs may emerge from the follicles (empty follicle syndrome). Although this is a condition called "apoptosis" that results in the early death of the ovaries, the mechanisms are not clearly explained.

The average fertilization rate is 65%. While some couples have a higher rate of fertilization, unfortunately there is rarely any fertilization at all.

Eggs are retrieved by simply entering the ovaries with a thin needle under the guidance of vaginal ultrasound (OPU procedure). After the eggs are collected The mature ones are detected and the fertilization process is applied to them.
Sperm is obtained from men with sperm in their semen through masturbation. In men who do not have sperm in their semen, sperm must be surgically searched through the testicle and removed if found.
The average chance of finding sperm in this patient group, called azoospermic, is around 50%. If azoospermia is due to obstruction, sperm can definitely be collected.

From the day of fertilization to the sixth day, the IVF team They can be frozen on any day they deem appropriate.

No one knows the exact answer to this question. However, the laws in our country limit this period to three years. We know that storing it for this period or even longer periods is also successful.

Not all embryos always show the desired development. For the freezing process, the development and appearance of all of them must be at the expected level. If you have a frozen embryo before the embryo transfer day, you must be informed during the transfer process.

Egg collection Although rare, bleeding may occur during the procedure. This bleeding, which occurs as a result of damage to a vein where the needle passes, can usually be stopped with tampons, but rarely, surgery may be required due to damage to a large vein.


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