Specific Learning Disorder: My Child Cannot Learn

Specific learning disability is not laziness or unwillingness, which is a person's inability and difficulty in one or more of the reading, writing and mathematics areas, regardless of any mental, neurological, physical and spiritual disability. It is not mental retardation. So much so that Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tom Cruise and even Jamie Oliver are successful people who are known to have learning difficulties at school age. The important thing is to realize the difficulties that the child has in the process of reading, writing or learning numerical information and to understand the reasons for these problems. When the causes are understood, appropriate approaches are aimed at correcting the difficulties experienced by the child.

There are 3 types of learning disorders

Special learning disorders are reading disorder (Dyslexia), writing disorder (Dysgraphia) and math disorder (dyscalculia).

It is the most common neuropsychiatric disorder in primary school period. Most of the children who have complaints such as failure in class, reluctance to do homework, not doing homework, and difficulty in understanding what is taught are diagnosed with a specific learning disorder. Although these children are developmentally similar to their peers, they show a skill far below their peers in reading, writing and math skills. Reading words incorrectly or slowly or with great effort, skipping letters while reading, adding letters, changing letters, slow reading speed compared to their peers, difficulty in understanding what they read, difficulty in writing words and letters correctly, inability to write letters and numbers backwards when writing, illegible It should be kept in mind that children with complaints such as problems in writing, writing down their thoughts, not being able to learn numbers, having problems in four operations and calculating may have learning difficulties. Learning requires perceiving the taught material, relating to each other, keeping it in mind and being able to use this information. It is thought that these children have problems in the learning processes mentioned.

Parents may not notice the situation

Parents do not realize that their children have problems in learning to read, write, or learn to operate with numbers. Thinking of the process that the child cannot learn as "he is good at other things, he does not only do the lessons, he can do it if he wants". they force the child. They can impose penalties. This negatively affects the parent-child relationship. Lecturing now becomes synonymous with a conflictual situation. Similarly, the self-confidence of the child who does not show a parallel success with his friends is negatively affected. Again, he may be excluded by his school friends and have problems in his relations with friends.

The reasons for his difficulties must be determined

Specific learning disability is not laziness or reluctance. It is not mental retardation. Although it is often seen together with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, this is a different problem. However, when attention deficit accompanies learning problems, problems in reading, writing and math skills may be more severe. Parents should move away from the idea that “the child does not do it because he does not want to” and accept that this is a hassle. They should try to have accurate information about the subject. They should consult a specialist to identify the causes of their child's difficulties and to provide the right treatment approaches and support.

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