thyroid antibodies

Anti TPO and Anti Tg antibodies

Antibody levels should be checked in people whose TSH level in the blood is above 4 mIU/L. Testing anti-TPO and anti-Tg in the blood allows the diagnosis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, that is, Hashimoto's disease. Elevated anti-TPO levels are seen in 90-95% of patients in Hashimoto's disease, and in 60-90% of patients in Basedow's disease. Anti-TPO antibody is more decisive in the diagnosis and follow-up of thyroiditis diseases. High levels of antibodies indicate that thyroiditis will recur in the future and the risk of hypothyroidism will increase. Thyroid gland lymphoma should be considered at very high anti-TPO levels.

Thyroglobulin (Tg) and Anti Tg

Tg and anti-Tg are used in the follow-up of papillary thyroid cancers. Both are very valuable laboratory measurements in cancer monitoring. Anti-Tg is not as valuable as anti-TPO in the diagnosis of thyroiditis.

Tg measurement is used to differentiate hyperthyroidism caused by excessive external thyroid hormone intake (thyrotoxicosis factitia) from other types of toxic goiter.

TSH receptor antibody

It is used for the diagnosis of Graves' disease (toxic goiter). If clinical findings (such as protruding eyes) are sufficient, there is no need to check this antibody. The effect of drug treatment in Graves' disease can be predicted by checking the TSH receptor antibody. If there is a decrease in antibodies during the treatment of Graves' disease, it indicates that the disease will be less likely to recur. However, there are also Graves patients who relapse even though their antibodies decrease.

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