It is a frequently encountered problem that affects the quality of life. A wide range of causes and consequences can be examined. Since there is no standard laboratory test or similar test to detect the problem and determine its degree, it may take a long time to progress. In a study, approximately 65% of every 100 couples have such complaints. Among these, painful sexual intercourse, inability to orgasm, and inhibition during intercourse are the most common complaints. In another study conducted on men and women in 1992, sexual dysfunction was found to be 31% in men, while this rate was 43% in women.
This rate is lower in those with higher education levels. Sexual response in women depends on different factors such as physiological, sociological, psychological and cultural. Since this is a very special problem, sexual history should be taken after trust is established between the doctor and the patient. The doctor should not be judgmental and should be convincing in terms of confidentiality and reliability.
In treatment, it is necessary to get to the source of the problem. For example, painful sexual intercourse; It is frequently encountered during menopause due to vaginal drying. Its treatment is extremely successful and simple. The aim should be to improve the person's psychological state, and if necessary, psychiatrist help should be sought. Some antidepressants may work. In addition, painful sexual intercourse is also seen in cases of ovarian cysts, endometriosis and infections. These must be diagnosed and treated.
In case of vaginismus, it may be impossible to examine the patient. If necessary, an examination should be performed under sedation and an organic cause should be sought. Treatment of such patients takes more time and progresses more slowly.
Despite everything, sexual dysfunction is a problem caused by many factors, and it may be necessary to work from many branches and seek a solution.
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