The word depression can often be used to express negative moods such as temporary sadness, grief, pessimism and reluctance that occur in daily life for various reasons and depending on the situation. However, depression, as a technical concept, refers to a clinical picture experienced in physical, mental, emotional and behavioral dimensions within a certain continuity. Some symptoms of depression, such as sadness, grief, pessimism, reluctance, and unhappiness, are often temporary, ordinary emotions that can be experienced due to losses in life. It is estimated that 350 million people worldwide and approximately 2.5 million people in Turkey struggle with depression, and 10-20% of individuals in society encounter clinical depression at a certain period of their lives, and the risk of women experiencing depression is twice as high as men. The World Health Organization predicts that depression will be the most important disease affecting human health in the 2030s. Depression varies from person to person in terms of its characteristics. The most important differences occur in the symptom process. Depression brings along many negative emotions in the person. This disorder imposes a long-lasting, depressed, distressed and stressful mood on the person it accompanies. A person's perspective on life changes during depression. Depression is a process in which a person has no expectations for the future, is not happy with any situation or thing, or loses hope in life. The person feels like he has a very bad disease and thinks that this disease will never get better. And besides this, the person also thinks that his life can no longer be the same. These types of thinking are mostly seen in severe types of depression.

Depression may occur on its own without anything happening, or a problem may directly affect the occurrence of depression. In other words, there may not be a need for any problem for depression to occur.

Some certain conditions are observed in a depressed person. These situations include questioning oneself, regretting the things one has done, revealing one's wishes, and blaming oneself for negative things. same time Apart from these, a person suffering from depression may want to sleep constantly. He doesn't want to do anything. Eating habits may also change with this disorder. The person either eats too much or too little.

Types of Depression

There are many types of depression.

*Major Depression: This type of depression refers to severe depression.

*Minor Depression: It refers to mild depression.

*Chronic Depression: Depression in such cases. It is mild but long-lasting.

*Clinical Depression: Severe depressions treated as inpatients in the hospital.

*Manic Depression: Bipolar depressions.

*Seasonal Depression: These are depressions that occur according to seasons and end spontaneously when the season changes.

*Psychotic Depression: These types of disorders are often confused with schizophrenia. The treatment process takes place with antipsychotics.


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