Safe Internet Use

Today's children and young people are growing up in a different world than the one in which many adults grew up. In this world where information and communication technologies such as computers, phones, tablets and the internet are constantly and rapidly renewed and changing, the fact that children and young people use these communication technologies intensively and spend most of their time with devices such as computers, phones and tablets adds an important new task and responsibility to families. . In addition to basic familial responsibilities towards their children, families must now guide their children not to acquire negative internet habits, to use technology productively and appropriately to support their education, and to navigate the internet within safe limits.

• Considering their development and the requirements of our age, it is not an effective method to ban children from accessing the internet.

. The important thing is to guide them to use technology and the internet, which have many advantages, in an effective, efficient, appropriate and responsible manner.


 Just as you teach our children to look both ways when crossing the street, to swim, to ride a bike, you also teach them how to use information communication tools and the internet safely so that they can navigate safely in the digital world. REMEMBER that they need to learn  

. Being the right role model for safe internet use is the most effective method you can apply as a parent.



Be Informed  

Must be an expert in the use of technology and technological devices such as the Internet, computers, phones, tablets and social media  

You are not, but you should be informed and familiar with the  

technologies that our children and young people use.

As a parent, consider yourself Train them on the use of the internet  

and the use of technological devices. Only in this way can you learn about the positive and negative aspects of technology and internet use and raise awareness in your children about these issues.

“There were no such things in our time.”, “It is past us now.”, “We do not understand such things as well as they do.” Do not compare your children with yourself with statements like these. Research and read about the technologies your children use and what you can do to use the Internet safely.

Be Interested

Be informed about your child's activities on the internet, control their activities and talk to your children about what they do in the digital world and why.

Being informed about your child's activities in the digital world and on the internet and talking to him/her about it will provide you with the opportunity to detect and solve problems that may arise later.

Join Your Child's Digital World


Create Common Areas

Keep the devices your child uses to access the Internet (computer, mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc.) in common areas outside of bedrooms.

It is important to keep all technological devices in common areas of your home (such as the living room), especially for the safety of young children.

Learn to navigate the Internet. Visit the websites your child visits and check for negative content.

Take Safety Precautions

 Download internet filters and family control applications if necessary.

Explain why you use them  


• Put a password/passcode on your phone.

• Information about when, where and how to use the Internet Set rules. Determine with your child the amount of time he/she will spend online and do not flex on this issue.

• Create a healthy balance of your child's online and offline time and activities.

• Inform your child about the importance of offline social and sports activities. Plan with your child the time to be spent online and offline. Create a family plan for what to do online and offline.

• Have your child share the password(s) he/she uses with you. Explain to him why this is necessary.


Act Consciously

 • Continue to engage in conversations about digital technologies and their impact. • Talk about risks and safety precautions that can be taken. Help your child be conscious. Because you can't be on top of it all the time. Your aim should be to raise awareness in the child.

 • Help your child identify safe and reliable websites and applications. Encourage them to be careful when clicking, downloading, uploading and posting content.

Try to set the right example for your child with the way you use technological tools such as the internet, social media and phones, tablets and computers.

Be careful when sharing information and photos about your children.

To ensure the safety of children in the digital world, families; Rather than prohibiting the use of the internet, they should be knowledgeable about communication technologies, should not give up control, and should approach their children with empathy on this issue.


1. You should not respond to unpleasant messages and emails.

2. You should not open messages or e-mails from people you do not know; You should not click on links.

3. Someone you know or don't know When you receive unpleasant messages or e-mails from people in Germany, you should block the person and tell me or your teacher.

4. If you don't like or feel uncomfortable about something you read or see online, you should tell me or your teachers.

5. You should be careful when sharing private/personal information (address, phone number, credit card number, etc.) and photos about yourself and your family. Because everything shared remains there forever, and the information you share can be easily copied. You should make sure that the information you share is available to very few people, because you don't know who may view it.

6. If anyone insists on you sharing personal information about yourself, you must let me know.

7. You should not download videos that require you to install video playback software. 8. You should behave the same way online as you do face to face. 9. You should create secure passwords and not share them with anyone.

10. People may behave differently or hide themselves online. For this reason, you should not communicate virtually with people you do not know.

11.You must notify me before downloading any content.

12. You should keep your social media accounts private and check your privacy settings regularly.

13.You must respect the privacy of others. You should not share other people's personal information and photos without their permission, and you should not tag people.

14.You should not meet the people you meet in chat rooms without my permission and knowing who they are.


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