Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that examines the structure of the soft (periodontal ligament, gum) and hard tissues (bone, cementum) surrounding the teeth, the diseases that occur in these tissues and the treatment of these diseases. Gums form the infrastructure of our mouth and teeth. Healthy gum gums are pink in color and tightly surround the teeth. If your gums are unhealthy, it means that you may lose your teeth one day, even if your teeth are not decayed. Early treatment of gum disease involves removing the adhesions (plaque and tartar) on the teeth and ensuring a smooth root surface. This process ensures the removal of bacteria and irritants that cause inflammation in the gums. Gums that are not treated early and advanced cases may require surgical treatment.
Food residues combine with minerals in saliva and form lime layers around the teeth and gums. These lime layers are initially soft. However, they quickly turn into hard layers. You cannot remove them from your teeth by brushing. However, your dentist can remove tartar without damaging your teeth with appropriate ultrasonic tools designed for cleaning.
This question is a frequently asked question to dentists. In fact, the continuation of this question is 'does the tooth enamel get scratched during cleaning' or 'does it always want to be cleaned once?' Questions like these come one after another. No, scaling does not harm the teeth. In fact, it is the most beneficial, quickest, most comfortable and cheapest procedure you can have for your mouth. In addition, you can prevent many oral and dental problems by having regular cleaning.
Healthy gums do not bleed. If you have gum bleeding that occurs while brushing, eating hard foods, or spontaneously, consult your dentist immediately. You should. You may probably have inflammation in your gums. Also, bad breath is a sign of inflammation.
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