What is narcosis? What is Anesthesia?

Anesthesia is given so that a person can undergo surgery, that is, to prevent the person from feeling pain during the surgery. Thanks to modern drugs,
the danger of narcosis has decreased to acceptable levels today. General anesthesia
means putting the patient to sleep. During this sleep, the depth of which is adjusted according to the decision of the anesthesiologist; A tube is placed in the patient's throat to allow him/her to breathe, that is, intubation is performed. That's why the patient who comes out of anesthesia, that is, when he/she is woken up after the surgery, may experience a feeling of discomfort in his/her throat for a few days.

Local anesthesia allows some simple and short-term surgeries to be performed. It means anesthetizing the body part of the patient that will be operated on. In this way, many surgeries
can now be performed as daily procedures, that is, the patient can return to his normal life on the same day

In some simple and harmless interventions for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
No part of the patient is cut, no pain is caused, but the patient may still
feel discomfort. In order not to reduce the person's quality of life, these types of procedures are now performed under sedation, that is, by calming the patient.

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