What is Fractional CO2 Laser?

As people age, collagen structures begin to decrease due to external factors such as sun and air pollution. As collagen decreases, wrinkles on the skin increase. Fractional CO2 laser targets problematic points by opening microscopic columns on the skin. Carbon dioxide fractional laser causes thermal damage to structures that contain water, such as collagen, keranocytes and blood vessels. With this damage, the repair process is initiated in the body by allowing cell flow from the surrounding tissues. One of the most important factors in the repair process is collagen synthesis.

What are the Application Areas of Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser?

Skin rejuvenation with Fractional CO2 laser namely anti-aging applications, crack treatment with fractional laser, treatment of skin wrinkles, tightening of skin pores, removal of razor scars and scars, acne scar treatment with fractional laser, treatment of burn and surgery scars, blemishes with fractional laser. It has a wide variety of usage areas such as treatment.

After Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser

Recovery and return to normal life after Fractional CO2 laserr It can take quite a short time. At this point, the depth of the problem is important. If there is excessive wear, deep scars or deep wrinkles, more intensive work may be required and thus the healing process may take a little longer. At this point, several less intense sessions can be performed instead of a single session. If there is no extensive damage, people can easily return to their daily lives in about 4-5 days.

After the procedure, the person may experience slight redness and swelling for a day or two.

Fractional Laser Session Intervals

Session intervals and session frequency may vary depending on the problem of the person. . To give an approximate number, fractional CO2 laser can be performed in 4 to 6 sessions. Carbon dioxide fractional laser session intervals can be up to 4 weeks.

Fractional Laser Effects and Permanence

Fractional laser effects vary from person to person. and may vary depending on the patient's problem. For this reason, we can say that the average duration of effect is 2 to 5 years.

Who cannot use CO2 Fractional Laser?

Fractional CO2 laser treatment is not specifically applied to people with very high skin sensitivity, pregnant women, people with diseases such as psoriasis and vitiligo, or people with active herpes and infections. Apart from this, fractional laser treatment can be applied to anyone deemed appropriate by the doctor.

Fractional Laser Harms and Side Effects

Temporary slight redness and swelling may be observed. If the patient has had herpes before, there is a possibility that it will recur. To prevent this situation, herpes preventers are used before the procedure. If done properly, the harms and risks of fractional laser are very rare.


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