Rheumatism is actually a general term that refers to a group that includes more than a hundred diseases, not a single disease.
What is Rheumatism?
It is a general name given to the group of diseases that affect the muscles, bones, tendons and connective tissue, especially the joints, internal organs and the immune system and cause pain. Rheumatism, which causes swelling and limitation of movement as well as pain, can cause deformities from time to time. Although it can be seen in almost all ages and genders, it is more common among women. Although it is not known for certain, inflammatory rheumatism types are thought to be genetically transmitted, but this does not mean that a person with rheumatism in his family will definitely have rheumatism. Environmental factors are of great importance in the emergence of rheumatism. Non-inflammatory types of rheumatism are usually caused by factors such as old age, excessive sports, traumas and genetic factors that cause joint wear. Although it is thought that rheumatic pains are caused by weather events, this opinion is not true. Calcification, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis are common types of rheumatism. It affects the knee, hip and spine, causing deterioration of the cartilage structure, causing bone growth and deterioration of the joint structure. The disease, which causes limitation of movement as well as joint pain, is more common in women. Osteoarthritis, which is caused by both genetics and mechanical factors such as age-related wear, is especially common in overweight people with excessive loads on their joints, patients complain of short-term stiffness, especially in the morning hours.
· Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis, which can be seen in people of all ages, It often occurs in youth or middle age, and often in women. In the disease, which usually occurs due to infections, the immune system of the person attacks the body joints, causing an increase in joint fluids, swelling in the joints and inflammation in the joint tissues.
The disease can affect the hand and ankle, small joints of the hands and feet, as well as the jaw, neck, shoulders, hips and knees.
Rheumatic pain, limitation of movement, increase in temperature, tenderness and swelling in the joints are observed.
· Fibromyalgia: It is more common in people between the ages of 25 and 55 and is characterized by muscle stiffness and rheumatic pain. Although the cause of the disease is unknown, many factors such as environmental factors, traumas, psychological problems, hormonal and central nervous diseases are held responsible. Symptoms such as problems, breathing difficulties can be seen. The disease, which is frequently seen in women over 45 years of age; It causes symptoms such as poor posture, hunchback, shortening of height, bone, back, waist and neck pain. It manifests itself with complaints of significant low back, hip pain and stiffness in the mornings, especially starting before the age of 40.
It can also cause pain and swelling in other joints such as heel, knee and ankle. Spondyloarthropathies can sometimes be seen together with inflammatory bowel diseases or psoriasis, and may develop following a genital infection.
What are the Symptoms of Rheumatism?
Since rheumatism is a general name given to a group of diseases, its symptoms are also quite extensive. It takes place in a wide spectrum, but most of them mainly progress with muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain.
Some of the common symptoms in rheumatism are as follows;
- Pain and swelling in the joints,
- Muscle pain, weakness,
- Restriction of movement, stiffness in the joints,
- Stiffness and stiffness in the joints in the morning hours condition,
- Loss of feeling,
- Color change in fingers,
- Hardening of hand skin,
- Skin glands,
- Sensitivity to the sun,
- Inflammation of the eyes,
- Sleep problems,
- Loss of appetite,
- Rheumatism with common back and low back pain color change in fingers, deformities in nails, skin rashes, c Symptoms such as hardening of the tongue may also occur.
- Limited vision/loss,
- Long-term fever,
- Dry mouth,
- Digestive problems,
- Decreased kidney function,
- Cardiovascular problems,
- Neurological symptoms such as altered consciousness and paralysis can also be counted among the symptoms of rheumatism.
How to Diagnose Rheumatism?
In case people with rheumatism symptoms apply to a physician, the rheumatologist first takes the patient's medical history and performs a physical examination.
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESH) and CRP tests, known as rheumatism test, are used in the diagnosis.
- Some special laboratory tests (serological tests) when necessary
- Radiological imaging methods are used.
- Joint fluid and tissue samples, popularly known as rheumatism tests, can be taken.
How is Rheumatism Treated?
Rheumatism treatment is tailored to the person and type of rheumatism. For example, while hot water reduces the complaints of the person in calcification, it can increase the symptoms in another disease. For this reason, instead of trying different methods that are said to be good for rheumatism, a rheumatologist should definitely be consulted.
The treatment is usually aimed at controlling the symptoms (symptomatic). The aim is to slow, stop or try to regress the progression of the disease.
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