Family is the basic structure of societies. Family determines the development and future of societies. Phenomena such as love, respect, tolerance, unity, brotherhood, friendship, friendship are very important for humanity. All people want to have these facts and want other people to have them too. The occurrence of these phenomena occurs in the family. For this reason, family is very effective in the formation of individuals' personality structures.
One way to create democratic environments in the family is family meetings. Family meetings ensure that family members have equal rights in decision-making and that democratic relations develop within the family. Family meetings are regular gatherings that include all family members.
Purpose of family meeting:
to be heard,
to express positive feelings about each other,
to encourage each other,
to plan work to be done,< br /> expressing concerns, feelings, complaints,
resolving conflicts,
planning family entertainment.
-When should family meetings start?
It is not possible to give an exact date for the start of family meetings, it depends on the family. If the parents have clarified the purpose of the family meetings among themselves and are ready to behave on equal terms with each other and their children, the meetings can be started.
Children also have a time to be included in the meeting. Children can be brought into the meeting when they begin to express themselves.
Meeting with only one parent The ideal family meeting is definitely a meeting attended by everyone. However, one of the parents may not want to attend the meeting, this does not prevent the meeting from being held. The purpose of the family meeting is explained, and anyone who wishes can attend.
In single-parent family meetings, common issues with the existing parent and children are discussed. If the children have problems with the other parent, these will be resolved at another time.
If one of the spouses is separated, then problems related to the separated spouse should not be discussed, because family meetings are where issues concerning the family members who are together are discussed.
Have a family meeting with young children mak; Family gatherings with children should not be too long. Meetings attended by children should be a place where short and simple topics are discussed. If this is not the case, children may become bored with the meetings. As children get older, meetings can be longer.
Starting the family meeting; There are various ways to start family meetings. A method should be chosen according to the structure of the family. One of these methods is the beginning of the official meeting. Official events affect some children more. Starting the meeting formally increases the importance of the meeting. The meeting should be started formally by explaining the purpose and method of the meeting.
An agenda is created in an official meeting and on the agenda:
Examining the minutes of the previous meeting,
Evaluating the decisions taken previously and discussing the issues that have not been resolved,
There should be new issues, problems, complaints,
Planning of family entertainment,
Summarizing the meeting,
Obtaining the floor of everyone to implement the decisions.
If an official start to the meeting is not possible; In this case, the meeting should start to discuss an interesting event. For example, family members may gather to discuss what to do on the weekend. Such an event attracts the attention of family members and will make them attend the meeting. For example, if the outcome of such a meeting is to have a picnic, tasks should be distributed for the picnic. In this way, children are given responsibility and their self-confidence is improved.
Guide for family meetings,
1-It should meet regularly at a predetermined time.
2- The chairman of the meeting should be rotating.
3- Minutes should be kept in family meetings.
4-Meeting time should be planned.
5- Everyone should participate in the discussion.
6-Complaints should be limited.
7-There should be cooperation in distributing household chores.
8-Agreements should be adhered to.
9-It should be ensured that the meetings are reliable.
10-Each member's problems should be included.
11-Time should be allocated for fun.
Family ball leadership skills in their contacts; The chairman of family meetings should be an effective leader. The attitude of the meeting chairman is extremely important in making the meeting productive. In order to manage an effective meeting, some features must be present. These are:
Reflective listening should be used: Reflective listening should be used: Effective listening is necessary in family meetings to fully understand what the problems are.
I messages should be used: I messages should be used: I messages should be used for the meeting to be healthy. Communication conflicts should not be included.
Attention should be drawn to real problems: Attention should be drawn to real problems: In order to get results from the meeting, it is necessary to focus on real problems. Details other than the problems distract from the problem and prolong the meeting.
Brainstorming should be done: Brainstorming should be done: Brainstorming should be done to solve the problems that are brought up for discussion. While brainstorming, ideas should not be rejected immediately. Because in this case, members are afraid to express their opinions. After all the opinions of the members are taken into consideration, it should be decided together to accept or reject the opinions.
A summary should be made at the end of the meeting: A summary should be made at the end of the meeting: At the end of the meeting, the decisions taken should be summarized. In addition, the members' commitment must be taken to implement the decisions taken.
Evaluation should be made: Evaluation should be made: The decisions taken before in the meetings should be evaluated and mistakes should be corrected.
Don't forget! Interviews, meetings, and most importantly COMMUNICATION, are the most important steps in solving problems.
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