Why Is My Child Not Sleeping? Overview of Sleep Disorders

Why does my child not sleep, he never wants to sleep, he sleeps crying, even if he goes to sleep, he wakes up immediately, meaning he cannot go into deep sleep.

I often hear these sentences from parents at the first meeting. In fact, these complaints may be the sentences I often hear from their mothers while listening to the infancy story of adolescents or school-age children.

The sleep pattern in infancy gives us very important data about the general rhythm of the child.

While we define some situations as a disorder or problem, we accept some situations as the rhythm of the child.

Sleep problem in infancy may seem like additional information conveyed by families when they mostly went to the pediatrician. Because parents who want to distinguish between normal and abnormal want to reach a healthy and clear information.

The first conflict of expectations between the mother and the child, which started with the mother's desire to return to her old sleeping pattern and the baby's resistance to sleep, manifests itself in this regard. Most of the time, parents do not think that unless the pediatrician asks them to see a psychologist/psychiatrist/psychological counselor, they should get the support of a counselor. Somehow, he gets over these years and seeks counseling with other problems that are a continuation of the problem in the pre-school period or later.

There are two different sleep-related situations in preschool children.

  • Primary insomnia, that is, insomnia problem. It is less common in this age group.

  • Protodissomnia; Difficulty falling asleep and frequent night awakenings are more common.

  • A detailed and accurate history from the family is very important for difficulties in falling asleep and frequent night waking problems. After taking this history, the specialist gives the necessary information and guidance.


    After the child's detailed history is taken, work with parents can continue to support the child's sleep pattern in line with the child's rhythm and temperament.

    Before giving this support, the child's current sleeping pattern should be well known. Babies' sleep patterns depend on their sleep-wake patterns.

    V� Our body has a system within itself regarding perceiving a day as day and night and planning sleep accordingly. Just like going to the toilet, the spontaneous change of body temperature, the secretion of hormones, sleep also plans its own functioning and adapts to it. These patterns of sleep begin to form when the baby is 4 months old and continue until 7 months. After the 6th and 7th months, the sleep rhythm adjusts itself according to the developmental status.

    Since sleep patterns include many stages and cycles, the family can sometimes unknowingly reinforce the child's sleep behavior, which is considered a problem, and trigger the cycle.

    The issue that the family should pay attention to and prepare for is that they need to change their own behavior in order to bring about a change in the child. A well-prepared and highly motivated parent will cope with the problems much more easily.

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