Sexual Problems and Sex Therapy

Sexual activity is the most private area in human life. It is personal, personal. This private space is opened and shared in the presence of a partner; seen, lived and spoken together. Sexual activity is not discussed, shared, or shown to anyone other than the parties living together.

This is perfectly normal for a person or couple with a problem-free sex life. For individuals/couples, it can sometimes turn into an obstacle on the way to solution-treatment. Who to talk to, how to talk, where to go, will there be anything to do or if someone will do something to them, … questions such as the negative feelings of revealing the private are constantly being questioned.

For the ignorant, to remove this very usual obstacle; When a specialist working in this field is consulted to solve a sexual problem, I have prepared this informative article to clarify what is done in sexual therapy.

When a sexual therapist is consulted while having a problem in sexual life as a couple:

The first session is the evaluation session and consists of two stages. In the first phase, the therapist meets with both parties separately. In these interviews, the parties are asked detailed questions about their sociodemographic characteristics, the history of their relationship other than the sexual dimension, their past sexual life characteristics-experiences, what the problem was, how it started and continued, and how this problem reflected on the relationship. At the end of these interviews, the therapist identifies the problematic sexual dysfunction.

In the second stage of the first session, the parties are interviewed together. At this stage, the therapist informs about what the sexual dysfunction is, why it may have occurred, and about sexual therapy. If the problem is due to a physical cause or if it is likely to be related, the couple requests the necessary examinations and specialist examinations. Again at this stage, the goals of the therapy are determined together with the couple and the scope of the treatment program, which is shaped according to these goals and specific to that couple, is explained by the therapist.

The treatment program, the anatomy, physiology of sexuality and sexual intercourse in the second session After a comprehensive information about the myths that determine the attitudes and behaviors in the family, it starts with the dysfunction experienced and the recommendation of one or more of the techniques specific to that couple.

In the following sessions, this information and new techniques are continued.

Experiencing bisexuality with the recommended techniques, at a specified frequency and in a private place where there is absolutely no therapist, alone and private. This process continues until the target is reached regarding the dysfunction experienced.

In other words, this is actually the process of changing the sexual lives of the parties -by re-learning sexuality-.

The other biggest factor that provides healing is the process. It is the motivation and effort of the parties.

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