"As the years progress, we see that women are more involved in working life," said Family, Couple and Marriage Therapist/Psychotherapist Specialist Psychologist Naciye Tokaç, adding: "A person who has more opportunity to see what is going on in other people's lives and compare it with their own lives, has a better quality of life." wants to continue. He thinks that he has the right to what others have and do. In this case, it causes needs to increase and expectations to rise. While it is a normal desire to want to access the things he thinks he is entitled to, it is important whether he has enough opportunities to do these things. In such a situation, having a woman work in the family appears as a solution.
Is it a must for a man to work, but for a woman to work? He/she has the right to exist and earn money and to sustain his/her own life. However, it would not be wrong to say that a woman's participation in working life affects her relationship with her husband in different ways. While in our country's tradition it is seen as a necessity for men to work; It was not seen as a necessity for women to work until recently. Women in families who cannot earn enough financial income to meet the essential needs of their lives are forced to provide financial support. One of the effects of women's work on their family life is that although women work the same working hours as men, women have the same expectations regarding children and domestic responsibilities. If men and women who come to their homes at similar times do not share their responsibilities, their expectations from each other change and this leads to arguments. "The way to prevent this situation is understanding and the ability of couples to support each other," he said.
''Women's participation in business life also improves their social life''
Stating that women's social life has improved with their participation in business life, Tokaç said, "We see that the friendship environment has improved and that women have the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and different social statuses. Thus, as he knows, Getting to know people other than the life rights they have learned may increase their expectations from life and therefore from their spouse. If spouses are not open to self-improvement and innovation, this may play a role in the deterioration of communication between them. One of the most important things that working life changes in women's lives is the increase in women's self-esteem and self-confidence. When a woman, who accepts that she has the right to say yes to what she wants and no to what she does not want, that it is not obligatory to obey her husband, and that both spouses are responsible for each other, cannot meet these wishes in family life, this may be a reason for conflict between spouses. Whatever the reason, we see that a woman's working life affects the relationship between spouses. However, if spouses have good communication and understanding and do not forget the promises they made to each other about holding each other's hands in life's difficulties, it will help to overcome the problems,” he said.
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