Hypoglycemia is the low blood sugar that occurs as a result of excess or sufficient but unbalanced secretion of the hormone called insulin secreted from the organ called the pancreas in obese individuals. This disease is much more common. This imbalance can be detected by blood tests
The most important of these tests is the 4-hour Oral Glucose Tolerance test with 75 g glucose. In this test, blood sugar is checked while fasting. At the same time, the hormone insulin should be checked. Then drink 1 large glass of sugary lemon water containing 75 g glucose (sugar). After drinking it, blood sugar values are checked half hours. Insulin hormone levels should also be checked. Generally, if the blood sugar decreases very much in the 3rd hour, that is, below 76–110 mg/dl, a diagnosis of hypoglycemia is made. You should definitely talk to your doctor to have this test done.
Individuals with low blood sugar and high insulin secretion or who are unbalanced even though their insulin secretion is sufficient can be controlled with a dietary approach. People with uncontrolled low blood sugar are candidates for diabetes in the future. and they are reluctant to act. Because the task of the hormone called insulin is to take the sugar in the blood and take it to the tissues and to ensure that the sugar is converted into fat and stored there. This situation leads to an increase in obesity, as well as an increase in reluctance and laziness. As the movement decreases, obesity increases even more.
The disorder in the secretion of the hormone called insulin from the pancreas is genetic (if there is diabetes in the family), but it can also occur as a result of some hormonal diseases. Because other hormones interact with the hormone insulin. Some hormones increase insulin secretion, while others decrease it. Obesity may occur as a result of this. Obesity alone causes irregularity in insulin secretion.
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