Recommendations for Parent and Child Relationships During the Coronavirus Process

Beads with letters on them and a fishing line are presented to the child. The child is asked what the resources he needs most to cope with the Coronavirus process are. Feeling safe, believing that he can cope, courage, etc. etc.) The child is asked to think about the memories he/she has before with this source. When he finds it, he is expected to string the beads on the fishing line while thinking about these moments. If he cannot access a memory in which he has these resources, it is recommended that he think of someone he believes has this resource and think about the memory associated with it. While stringing the beads on the fishing line, he is encouraged to design his bracelet by imagining that the person he believes has these resources is transferring this power to him.

PURPOSE: This is a resource study. Reminding the child of his/her strengths will support him/her in coping with the difficult situations he/she is currently experiencing or will experience in the future.

The child is asked to imagine the moment when he/she leaves the Corona process behind and defeats Corona.


''How do you feel right now when you think that this whole period is over?''

''What is happening in your body?''

' 'If you were a hero who survived this period, what kind of hero would you be?''

'What characteristics would you have?''

Think of that moment when you beat Corona and draw a picture.

PURPOSE: To enable the child to focus on his/her internal resources, to cope with his intense emotions, to focus on the resources he needs for regulation, and to realize the hopeful process in the future.

To recognize an intense emotion and to regulate our own emotional state in times of need. It is one of the most important tools. Children make their intense emotions concrete by drawing, writing and playing. Awareness increases as the feeling that is difficult to control somewhere within them becomes concrete.


''Let's draw the coronavirus''

''Now Mr./ Let's make Miss Corona funny''

PURPOSE: To make the uncertainty experienced by the child more obvious, concrete and predictable. To support them in feeling a sense of control, confidence and power.

Intense emotions according to the Emdr perspective. Bidirectional stimulation is one of the most effective techniques for processing emotional and traumatic memories. Any activity that will activate the right and left hemisphere of the brain will be good for children.


Playing the drums, walking, doing puzzles, painting, Jump right two left three.


We are going through an extraordinary period. In such times, it is a vital need for each of us to follow the agenda and take precautions to be on the agenda. During these periods when all family members are together for long periods of time, it is useful to pay attention to challenging content spoken and watched in the presence of children.


Teach children to protect themselves from content that may be challenging to them. It is also important to teach. When there is content in people's conversations on the screen that is too much for them or does not make them feel good, they can imagine muting these sounds with the imaginary magic remote in their hands. This special remote control can be designed with various materials, and the remote control may have its own features.

PURPOSE: Uncertainty can be worrying for many of us. The situation becomes especially difficult for children who see their parents having difficulty managing their intense emotions. These types of playful activities are great opportunities to help children gain back the feelings of power and control they may have lost in play.

Children's ability to gain body awareness, recognize their emotions, relax, regulate their emotional states, be patient, trust, let go, and calm down. It is important for them to learn and internalize how to cope and stay in the moment.

Doing yoga, meditation, conscious awareness exercises and including them in our daily routines will be good for all of us in this process.


Let's close our eyes now.. Take a deep breath. Let's breathe.. As if blowing big bubbles.. calmly.. Slowly and carefully

PURPOSE: I realize that I am sitting. I realize the solid ground beneath me, the power I get from it, that I am safe, that I pay all my attention to what is happening in my body, calmly and slowly...

As children grasp their intense emotions and embody them, it becomes much easier for them to regulate their emotional states, calm down and relax. daily life They also make concrete the emotions that worry/trouble/sad them by drawing, writing and playing. Awareness increases as the emotion that is difficult to control within them becomes concrete.


 There has been a lot of agenda about the coronavirus lately. I notice that you worry from time to time. Would you like to write a letter to this virus?

PURPOSE: To make the uncertainty experienced by the child more obvious, concrete and predictable. To support them in feeling a sense of control, confidence and power.

Game is the most effective communication tool for children. Children want to understand the situations that affect them by playing them over and over again. This way, they will be able to cope with the situation better. Children to themselves


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