Nasal Meat in Children

Sleeping with open mouth, snoring, turning in bed a lot, restless sleep, sweating in the head area, intermittent and especially increased bad breath in the morning, prolonged and frequently recurring upper respiratory tract infections should suggest adenoids.

What consequences does meat lead to?

Hearing loss as a result of the upper jaw moving forward and the lower jaw back, orthodontic problems that are long and difficult to treat in the mouth, teeth and jaw structure, difficulty in concentration, disruption in the release of certain hormones from the brain that provide repair of the body due to night REM sleep, distraction and related decline in academic achievement, dull gaze and mask facial expression that occurs with the deterioration of the face ratio over time, the upper eyelid falling down, the drowsy look, the formation of tired facial expression, which is called 'nasal face' and is very typical.

Is there an age limit for adenoid surgery?

  There is no medically determined age limit for adenoid surgery.

Does the nasal flesh shrink over time?

  Theoretically yes, after the age of ten, there may be a decrease in its volume, but many cases will leave permanent damage to the body that cannot be cured until that age. For example; permanent mouth dental and jaw problems, perforation of the eardrum and permanent hearing loss, distraction and related academic failure, permanent loss of concentration. It takes 20 minutes, soft feeding is started from the third hour after the surgery and the discharge process is carried out. The entire process is almost completely painless. As a precaution against infection, children are not sent to school for five days.

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