Allergic Flu

It is called allergic-induced inflammation of the mucosa covering the inside of the nose. It is seen in people with allergic predisposition. It often lasts a lifetime. However, its severity decreases with advancing age. The most common cause is pollen blown by the wind. However, it can be triggered by any allergen. Therefore, staying away from the allergens that cause the problem will be of great benefit. One fifth of the society has an allergic body.
The most important reason is pollen and trees flying in the air.
Mold, animal hair, house dust and mites
Cat, dog, bird at home Feeding increases the severity of allergic rhinitis.
Tree pollen increases in spring.
The amount of pollen increases in dry and windy weather.
Runny nose and nasal congestion
Watery and itchy eyes.
Sneezing, coughing, sore throat
Itching in the throat, nose, upper palate
Pain in the face
Swelling of the eyes
Decreased sense of smell and taste
Frequent rubbing of hands on the nose in pediatric patients
br /> Fatigue, difficulty in perception, sleep disorders 
Cough and headache 
It is usually seen before the age of 40. Complaints decrease with age. It is a very rare condition that goes away on its own.
It is very important to relieve symptoms such as itching, discharge and sneezing and to open the nose. Patients with allergic rhinitis are recommended to use a mask if they have to be in a dusty and pollen environment.
Feeding animals and plants at home should be avoided.
You should exercise every day, quit smoking, have a balanced diet, and choose cotton and synthetic blankets instead of downy and woolen blankets.
In homes with central heating, the environment should be humidified as dry home air may cause allergic rhinitis to worsen.
Items such as rugs and carpets that may contain dust should not be used.
If allergic rhinitis is not treated, polyps form in the nose. Sinusitis and otitis media may occur. Allergic rhinitis cases are increasing in parallel with global warming. It increases when people work in closed environments such as plazas or offices and are exposed to mites in these places. In addition, the exhaust and dirty air on the streets This is another reason why allergic cases increase in exposure to a. It should also not be forgotten that the air conditioners used spread diseases. Air conditioners must have pollen filters and need to be cleaned frequently. In this way, dust and pollen coming from outside is prevented. Allergic patients should pay attention to office and home environments. A steam room humidifier should be used to humidify the environment. There is a lot of mold on plants and flowers. They should not be kept in a closed environment.

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