The time that spouses devote to each other within the marriage relationship and the friendship between them is one of the important factors that affect their happiness that will continue for many years. Marriages of couples who can be 'We' by making time for both their relationships and themselves, that is, by distinguishing between you and me, are stronger and more satisfying.
The intensity of business life and the responsibilities that come with marriage. Meanwhile, the time that many married couples devote to each other decreases day by day. However, marriage is like growing flowers. Does not devote enough time to your flower; If you don't give it the care and attention it needs, it will dry out and eventually die. Marriage is like a flower; It requires attention, care, effort, renewal, sensitivity and time.
The issue of devoting time to each other, which is an important factor in couples wanting to strengthen their marriage, requires couples to be careful to allocate quality time to each other. They need to show. Couples who spend quality time with each other experience fewer conflicts in their relationships and the bond of love between them becomes stronger. The issue that needs to be emphasized about spending time together is the extent to which spouses spend their free time together and the quality of the friendship relationship expected between them. It is not possible to spend quality time with couples being in the same environment. In this article, I will talk about spending quality time in marriage.
What do spouses gain by spending time with each other?
The friendship between spouses and the time they spend together, as well as the time they allocate specifically for each other. is also important in terms of the interaction between them.
• Spouses experience less marital conflict.
• Couples who spend quality time together are less stressed.
• Spouses are towards each other. feels more closeness. Chatting and relaxing makes spouses feel good.
• Spouses feel more trust in each other.
• Each spouse feels happier individually.
• It is felt that the marriage is more solid and durable.
• As sharing increases, the marriage relationship ceases to be a distinction between me and you and turns into a feeling of being "We".
• Spouses. It ensures that people find a common meeting point rather than a power struggle.
• The interest and care that spouses show to each other keeps marital relationships alive.
There Can Be No "Us" Without You and Me
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Just as it is important to learn to act together with a sense of meeting on common ground, it is also extremely important for the relationship that the spouses can act individually while preserving their autonomy. From time to time, both partners need to be alone or spend time with their own friends. Couples naturally get to know each other's friends and associates over time. However, you should also give your spouse time to spend alone with his or her friends, even if they are people you know. Couples need to have fun or talk with their friends once in a while. These special areas will reflect positively on your relationship and individual socialization will add color to your relationship. In a healthy relationship, couples feel committed to each other; But this devotion is not an obsessive feeling. Therefore, individual private spaces are important for the positive development of you and your relationship. Because in order to be us in your relationship, you must first be a healthy me. In healthy relationships, couples not only have the purpose of spending their lives together, they also support each other's personal dreams and efforts. They motivate and support each other in this direction.
To Spend Quality Time;
The biggest obstacle to spouses spending quality time together is the time problem. However, when you are really willing and determined about this issue, even the busiest couples will definitely be able to find common time. To do this, you can start by thinking about what you spend time on during the day. List your daily routine. Decide which are important and which are dispensable. Allocate at least one hour on a certain day each week to any activity that you can do alone with your partner. Decide the day and time in advance with your partner. Yes, you shouldn't think that just because you got married, there will be no more dating. Be careful to be together and spend these hours alone, adhering to the day and time you have decided on. After continuing this ritual for a while You will realize that you are experiencing noticeable positive changes in your relationship. You will be happy to see how the feeling of being "We" improves your relationship while preserving your own private space in your relationship. In addition, spending time with your spouse is not just time spent side by side; spending quality time with your spouse, even if it is for an hour, and having a special time period with your spouse will have a positive reflection on yourself and your relationship.
Spending quality time; You shouldn't stop doing it by saying "It's past us now, how many years have we been married?" Every relationship can feel monotonous after a long time due to the principle of sameness. Meet your spouse again at intervals you set for yourself, such as 3 years, 5 years, 7 years. Because your spouse is not the person you were when you first got married, but evolves into a new person as time goes by. Just like you are not the same person you were the day you got married. You will see, your marriage will defy time stronger and stronger day by day.
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