Implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone to replace missing or missing teeth. They also preserve their appearance.
Implants, which are a comfortable and reliable application, are placed into the jawbone painlessly and without any trouble in less time than a tooth extraction under anesthesia.
Depending on the cooperation of the patient, general anesthesia can be applied in some operations. However, for implant application, it is necessary to have a healthy gum and sufficient bone structure to support the implant.

Things on Our Mind

Why is an implant made?
The main material of the implant is titanium.

How long is the lifespan of the implant?
The implant is a very safe application. Depending on the skill of the physician who will apply the implant, with correct and proper application, its use is almost lifelong. Implant manufacturers determine the lifespan of an implant as 30-40 years, depending on the brand.

Can the implant be applied in all types of tooth loss?
Jaw implant applications The bone must have sufficient structure. If the bone is sufficient, it can be applied to one or more teeth.

What is done before implant application?
First of all, an OPTG, or panoramic x-ray, is taken showing the entire jaw. . In some cases, jaw tomography may also be requested. On this tomography or x-ray, the bone structure, implant type and size in the area to be applied are determined as width and height. In some cases, if there is not sufficient bone support, bone or soft tissue grafts are applied to make the area ready for the implant.

Is the implant operation painful?
Ideal for the patient before the operation. anesthesia is applied. It does not cause any pain unlike tooth extraction.

Can a prosthesis be placed immediately after the implant application?
The process called osteointegration, which means the fusion of the bone and the implant, lasts. Therefore, it is not appropriate to attach a prosthesis to the patient.

How long does the implant treatment last?
The treatment duration depends on the patient's bone structure and general health condition. The number of implants to be made affects the duration. If the patient has no problems, it is placed within 15 minutes. Generally, the upper structures are completed within 2 or 3 months following the operation.

What type of prosthesis is placed on the implant?
Depending on the condition in the mouth and the number of implants placed, fixed or removable prostheses are made.

How is the number of implants determined?
A single implant is placed for each missing tooth. The number is determined according to the application region.



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