What is Vaginismus? Treatment Process and How It Feels

It is a disorder in which the muscles surrounding the vaginal entrance contract involuntarily during sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse cannot occur. Vaginismus is a contraction reaction of the vaginal muscle that has an unconscious meaning experienced by the woman. Vaginismus is a condition that a woman does not want to experience at a conscious level and is uncomfortable. In women with vaginismus, vaginal entry may or may not be controlled outside of sexual intercourse.

For example; fingers can be inserted. If there is no contraction at the entrance of the vagina with the finger, this is called simple vaginismus. Vaginismus manifests itself during the first sexual intercourse experience. Sexual intercourse cannot occur due to the contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina. There is great panic, anxiety and fear. With this fear, the partner is pushed away and the woman closes her legs tightly. Apart from very rare reasons such as injuries, intra-vaginal tears, sexual diseases of the woman, disorders in the genital organs and dyspareunia, the woman can also contract herself in such situations. But apart from these, vaginismus is a completely psychological disorder. It is treated with therapy method.

Our patients' biggest problem in treatment is "I wonder if I can succeed?" They postpone treatment due to anxiety. The postponed process gradually increases fear, creates distress, and causes partners to distance themselves from each other and sexuality.

Vaginismus is a problem that is easy to solve. Here, the first step to become a healthy woman is to decide on treatment. The patient who decides on treatment, her husband, and her doctor work as a team to help that woman overcome her troubles easily and the problem is overcome.

Vaginismus problem is a disease of procrastination. Procrastination actually means to avoid facing the problem and failure. Because, unfortunately, it is very scary for a person to apply for a problem and enter a treatment-therapy process due to the anxiety he or she experiences. If you postpone the problem, you will actually postpone your anxiety about not being able to succeed.


If we list the false beliefs that cause vaginismus, they are as follows:

Sexuality is something that men experience and women are obliged to do for men. clear

Sexual intercourse is thought to be painful and bad.

Men are thought to be dominant and should not be trusted.

Sexual desire and pleasure The idea that she will be perceived as a woman who is easy to live with and that the woman should not show herself.

There are false beliefs and myths such as "The first sexual intercourse is very painful". With this belief, women who grow up with the perception of something that should not be missed or experienced will feel uncomfortable having intercourse under the influence of these beliefs that have become established during relationships, and will inevitably experience contraction in the vaginal muscles.

There is no such thing as I cannot have intercourse because my vagina is too small. Because the vagina is an organ that can expand tenfold. After birth, a baby can easily pass through the vagina.

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