Fruits Are Our Protective Shield

We always use its name, but what is the immune system? Our immune system has the capacity to learn, memorize and think, just like our brain. It uses the information conveyed so far and wages war against a foreign microbe it encounters, by processing this information and focusing especially on the area where the microbe is located. It fights until we rid our body of germs, then it stores this experience in its memory and uses it to produce new responses in a new situation.

Our immune system forms its first cell when our aorta begins to form in the womb. Afterwards, the system is established in the liver, spleen and our entire body. It begins to learn, think, record and fight.

Of course, it is up to us to ensure that this miracle system of ours remains strong and healthy for us.

Stress, insomnia, seasonal change, non-compliance with general hygiene rules. , infection, not getting enough sunlight, inactivity, unbalanced nutrition, GMO foods, smoking and exposure to chemicals are the reasons that generally weaken our immune system. Especially as we enter the winter months, we need to eat in a way that strengthens our immune system. The first thing that comes to our mind in this regard is, of course, fruits. Fruits rich in vitamins A, C, B6 and E, selenium and zinc will be our biggest supporters. So we can also say orange and red fruits. Blackberries, which we call red-purple fruits, fight cancer, the first disease that comes to mind when it comes to immunity, with their high flavonoid, antioxidant and vitamin C content, and the yellow-orange group, which we call citrus fruits, are the main protectors of our immune system with their rich beta carotene content. That's why we shouldn't neglect the consumption of tangerines, oranges and grapefruits, especially when the weather starts to get colder. We can spice up our herbal teas with lemon, and since vitamin C, the main protector of our immune system, is not stored, we should do this constantly, not occasionally.

Finally, I would like to talk about a hidden hero whose name is not even mentioned when it comes to immunity.

PARADISE DATE. …It is a complete source of vitamins with its content of vitamins A, C, B and folic acid. Paradise date, which protects against metabolites that disrupt the body's defense mechanism It is also a great fruit to keep our immune system up in winter. Then I suggest you do not be late to put on this protective shield of yours…

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