Enuresis (Urinary Incontinence)

Even though a child is five years old in girls and six years old in boys, wetting the bed at night is a problem called "enuresis" in medical language and "bedwetting" in popular language. If the mother, father, both or siblings have enuresis, the central Inability to suppress urinary bladder contractions during sleep as a result of delayed maturation in the nervous system. arousal disorder: difficulty in perceiving a full bladder during sleep and waking up, insufficient secretion of a hormone (ADH) that reduces urine production from the kidneys during the night in normal individuals, in enuretics, and in some cases, the amount of urine production during sleep increases. Psychological factors, bedwetting and urination are the causes of incontinence. When bedwetting becomes a problem for the child and family, it means it is time for treatment. However, this should not happen before the age of five. Bedwetting cannot be treated with punishment. On the contrary, punishment may have the opposite effect, as well as breaking the child's self-confidence and resistance and causing psychological problems.

In the treatment, one of the options of behavior modification therapy, drug therapy, or a combination of the two is applied. First of all, hold the child so that he can control his bladder. - Let it be played. Every time the child urinates, the child holds the urine, counts 1-2-3 and releases it. Then he holds it a second time, says 1-2-3 and releases it. This game is played with each urination. The child's sleep time is regulated, the child goes to bed at 22 o'clock, 1-3- A strong alarm clock is set on the bedside table for 6 hours to wake up. By setting the clock itself at 22-23-01-04, a warning is sent to the subconscious so that the child can wake up. A chart is prepared and the child is asked to draw a picture of the sun on the mornings when he wakes up wet and the days when the clouds wake up dry.

In the behavior change method, reward, motivation and a bell system that rings and wakes the child up while bedwetting, which we call "alarm therapy", are used. It requires family involvement and long-lasting persistent treatment. It does not cause any harm or side effects.

If treated for enough time and with the right method, bedwetting will disappear after a period that varies in each child.

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