The short definition of depression is "depression".
It can be described as an increase in feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, guilt, sadness, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and a decrease in the ability to enjoy. Concentration disorder reflected in your life in connection with these, deterioration in social and professional functions, economic problems, problems in marriage and business relations, while physical fatigue, headache, insomnia or oversleeping, weight loss or gaining excess weight due to appetite disorders, In addition to gastrointestinal problems, it has been proven by clinical studies that in case of chronic depression, it paves the way for cardiovascular diseases.
At least half of the cases of depression cannot be treated because it is not diagnosed. Untreated depression can worsen over time.
It is essential to receive treatment, especially in 2 types of significant depression.
Melancholic Depression
Waking up early in the morning, interrupted sleep at night
Depressive state is more pronounced in the morning
Decreased appetite, weight loss
Inappropriate guilt, feeling guilty about unnecessary matters
Slowing down in movements, withdrawing from activities of daily life
Depression. (not wanting to do anything)
Since the person has low activity, withdrawal from daily life, marked unhappiness and low energy, he and someone observing from the outside can easily realize that the person has depression and needs help.
Atypical Depression
Often even the person himself is depressed may not have any idea.
There is an increase in appetite - weight gain and an increase in sleep.
Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, difficulty starting the day
People have a certain day may feel good at certain times of the day. are likely to experience problems with school and work.
When she does the activities she likes and is with people she enjoys, her mood improves. For this reason, the person may encounter critical attitudes such as "lazy", "it doesn't work", "how does he do it when he wants to". Because while being reluctant to some activities and responsibilities, it is possible to do some activities happily and energetically. Especially for this reason, the person and those around him cannot realize that what is going on is a kind of depression. For this reason, it may be delayed for the depressed person to seek support and seek treatment.
It is usually seen in young individuals, and alcohol-substance use may accompany it.
If you are showing symptoms of depression, it would be best to choose support without waiting for it to become chronic.
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