Abdominoplasty Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

Abdominoplasty is an effective surgical procedure in body shaping that aims to remove excess fat from the lower abdomen, remove excess skin in order to correct the middle and lower abdominal wall muscles and fascia, and provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the body by tightening the abdominal wall muscles. It can be applied together with Liposuction to provide a smoother profile.

We can divide tummy tuck surgery into two groups: mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck. Mini abdominoplasty is applied to patients with slight sagging, and tension is provided without changing the location of the belly button. Full tummy tuck surgery is performed on patients with severe sagging and stretch marks.

Suitable candidates for tummy tuck surgery



Pregnancy after tummy tuck


Separate suture types are used in those who are considering pregnancy after surgery and those who are not. While permanent sutures are applied in patients who do not intend to become pregnant, dissolvable sutures are applied if pregnancy is considered.


After the surgery, there is no obstacle to getting pregnant or causing any problems during pregnancy, but there is some loosening of the abdomen after pregnancy.





Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital environment. In full tummy tuck surgery, the upper, middle and lower abdominal muscles are repaired. Excess skin and fat are stretched downwards and the area between the pubis and the belly button is removed. A new belly button is created. With this surgery, some shaping and tightening of the pubis and groin areas can also be achieved. With a single surgery, the patient gets rid of the stretch marks in the lower abdomen and at the same time has a tight and tight abdomen. The scar that will be formed is planned to remain within the bikini. Similar to a cesarean scar, but larger than a cesarean scar A trace is expected. The length and shape of the scar that will be formed depends on the amount of excess tissue to be removed and the person's skin structure. If the excess visible when you lean forward is not removed, the result of the surgery will not be satisfactory. Although the size of the scar depends on the excess tissue removed to the sides, incisions extending to these areas allow the waist to be shaped. In addition, if the incision is kept small with the concern of keeping the scar minimal and the excess tissue is not completely removed, pimples will form. Corrective surgery is required.


Surgery Duration


Mini tummy tuck 1-1.5 hours 

Full tummy tuck takes 3-3.5 hours.


 After Surgery


It is normal to feel pain, tension and swelling for 3-4 days after the surgery. Pain is controlled with painkillers. You may need to stay in hospital for 1-3 days.


The first postoperative dressing is done on the 2nd or 3rd day, and the drains are removed. For the first month, a corset is worn day and night. After 1 month, a corset must be worn only day or night until 6 months. Work life can be resumed after 2-3 weeks. After the 3rd week, the new shape of the body becomes clear.


After the surgery, the patient should avoid sudden movements, draw his feet slightly towards his stomach while lying down for the first week, walk 10 degrees forward while walking, and should not lift heavy objects.


In order not to increase intra-abdominal pressure, care should be taken not to consume gas-causing foods for a few days after the surgery.


It may take up to 1 year for the scar to become unclear. The scar does not disappear completely.


Surgery does not prevent weight gain.


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