Spring months have arrived. Flowers started to bloom and pollen started to fly. In these months, the brighter sun and the increased scent of flowers warm us up and our joy of life increases. However, there are those who are not very happy about the arrival of these months: Those who have spring allergies in their eyes! Let's get to know what Spring Allergy is and how to understand it:
What is Spring Allergy?
Due to the effect of increasing pollen in the spring months, people with allergies experience nasal congestion and watering, skin rash and itching begins. In addition, some people experience complaints such as itching, watering and redness in the eyes. We call this 'Spring Allergy'.
How to Understand Spring Allergy?
The diagnosis of spring allergy can be made with typical complaints and history: Patients state that their eyes begin to burn and water with the arrival of the spring months. Sensitivity to light is also seen in the eyes. However, the symptom that we can call indispensable is 'itching'. If there is no itching, it would not be right to talk about allergy.
How is the diagnosis made?
The diagnosis can be easily made by examination of the patient with a typical history by an Ophthalmologist.
Why Do Eye Allergies Occur?
The eye immune system is a very powerful organ. It can give many different immune responses, thus protecting itself from diseases. On the other hand, a strong defense system may show extreme responses when faced with some factors. In such a case, the immune response in the eye may cause a much more disturbing clinical picture than the factor encountered. Allergy is a good example of this.
Whose Spring Allergies Are More Common?
Spring Allergy can be seen in anyone. People with a family history of allergies (atopy) are more susceptible. It is known to be more common in people with a history of skin allergies (atopic dermatitis), allergy-related runny nose (allergic rhinitis) or asthma. In these people, allergic symptoms may be observed in the eye simultaneously with their existing diseases.
At What Ages Are Spring Allergies More Common?
Although it can be seen at almost any age, it is most common between the ages of 5 and 20. are vaccines. It is rare in children under 5 years of age. If there is no itching complaint, the diagnosis should be approached with suspicion. Its incidence peaks between the ages of 11-13. Clinically, allergy shows its most severe course at this age. With advancing age, allergy symptoms begin to ease. Patients feel the allergy, but state that their complaints are not as severe as before.
Can Spring Allergy Be Considered an Emergency?
Spring Allergy is a condition that generally affects the quality of life. disease is acceptable. School success may be affected by eye complaints in school-age children. A child whose eyes are constantly red and watery may be excluded by his friends and may be negatively affected psychologically. Treatment will prevent such negativities.
We now know that constant eye scratching due to allergies can cause thinning of the cornea (transparent layer) of the eye, which can turn into Keratoconus (a cone-shaped steepening of the cornea). In this regard, Keratoconus disease can be prevented with correct and effective treatment of children with allergy complaints at an early age.
In some cases, the Corneal layer may be damaged due to the excessive allergic response in the eyelids and eye itching, we call this Corneal Ulcer. This situation is considered an emergency and requires effective treatment.
What is Keratoconus Disease?
The fibers called collagen that make up the cornea (transparent layer) begin to lose their strength and firmness after a while due to mechanical reasons such as constant itching of the eye. . The cornea, which is normally shaped like a mosque dome, gradually begins to steepen and take on a cone-like shape. As a result, first high astigmatism occurs in the eye, and then vision begins to decrease. After a while, the steepening of the cornea results in clouding of the cornea and a serious decrease in vision. This condition may occur in some people without itching (for hereditary reasons). We generally call these conditions Keratoconus.
What is the Treatment of Spring Allergy?
Spring allergy is a disorder that can be largely treated with eye drops. Anti-histamic eye drops, behavior of allergy cells Eye drops that affect the urinary tract and cortisone eye drops greatly improve the course of the disease. In some resistant cases, different drop treatments or systemic medications may be required. If the disease occurs specifically in a particular area (depending on the vegetation of that location), it is recommended to avoid travel to that area. Cold compresses can be applied to reduce complaints such as excessive itching and swelling of the lids.
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