Pain is a common condition for patients undergoing any dental treatment. Because patients are afraid of this pain, they avoid and postpone dental treatments. The situation is no different for patients receiving orthodontic treatment. Patients experience some discomfort after the placement of orthodontic appliances. These disorders; It has been reported as pressure, tension, pain and pain in teeth. The first days of orthodontic treatment can be troublesome for patients, as the force applied through the brackets and wires moves the teeth slowly.
Pain does not discriminate, but not all individuals feel the same amount of pain to the same amount of stimuli. Studies have shown that as the stress level in the individual increases, pain also increases. Minimizing stress factors during orthodontic treatment also reduces the level of pain considerably.
After the orthodontic appointment, pain begins 4 hours later and decreases and disappears within 2-3 days. The force applied by the physician is very important in the severity of the pain.
If the pain level is at a level that disturbs the person, there is no harm in patients using any medication. After the first appointment, small wounds may occur during the adaptation of the oral tissues to the wires placed. Although mouthwashes are helpful for the treatment of these wounds, these wounds will heal within 1 week thanks to the rapid regeneration of tissues.
Minimizing pain and discomfort is the goal of every clinician. However, despite great advances in understanding the mechanism of pain, it is not yet possible to completely eliminate pain. It is the duty of orthodontists to inform the patient about pain and discomfort at every phase of the treatment and to minimize pain by planning the treatment process correctly.
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