Summer Infections

Vaginal infections are one of the most common problems that women suffer from during the summer. Especially in these periods when there is intense interest in the pool and the sea, the use of shared pools, not drinking enough water despite the heat, not paying enough attention to hygiene, advanced age, and other underlying skin diseases cause the vaginal flora, that is, beneficial microbes, to decrease and opportunistic microbes to dominate the environment. Severe infections occur when normally existing bacteria increase in number and abnormal bacteria or viruses grow. Irritation due to chemicals is also an important cause of infection. Dryness during menopause due to lack of estrogen also paves the way for infections. Pregnancy, intrauterine devices and frequent vaginal douching predispose to bacterial vaginal infections. Fungi, on the other hand, are opportunistic. They are also found in 50% of women during non-infectious times. Birth control pills, long-term antibiotic use and pregnancy are important risk factors for fungal infections. Other risk factors are smoking, unprotected intercourse and intrauterine devices. Allergic reactions are caused by scented detergents and soaps, tight clothing and poor hygiene. Vaginal infections can occur in all age groups. Infections can become chronic if left untreated and can also affect the cervix, uterus, tubes and ovaries. During pregnancy, it can lead to premature birth, premature water breaking, premature birth, low birth weight and postpartum infections.

Educating patients is perhaps the most important step in prevention. It is important to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, comply with hygiene rules, pay attention to hygiene when using the toilet outside, and avoid vaginal douche in order not to carry the infection upwards.

Every woman with abnormal vaginal discharge should be evaluated. Excessive amount of discharge, change in color and odor, and cheese curd-like discharge should always be investigated.

I wish you healthy days…


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