Waist and Back Pain is a Symptom of Wallet Syndrome

Assoc. Prof. from Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Didem Sezgin Özcan said, "If you have pain radiating to the waist, hips, back of the leg, numbness, tingling in the lower leg and foot, and gait disturbance, you may be experiencing wallet syndrome."

From Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Assoc. Dr. Didem Sezgin Özcan drew attention to wallet syndrome, which occurs with symptoms such as waist and hip pain, especially seen in men.

Piriformis muscle is a band-shaped muscle that is located deep in our hip and adheres to the thigh bone. Assoc. Prof. from Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Didem Sezgin Özcan said, “The sciatic nerve mostly passes under this muscle and extends down the back of the thigh. He stated that "traumas to the piriformis muscle, edema and spasm cause compression of the sciatic nerve."

Men are at risk

He stated that this syndrome, which is more common in men, is caused by the habit of carrying a wallet in the back pocket. Özcan said, “This condition is also known as back pocket sciatica. Symptoms usually occur when patients sit, stand or lie down for long periods of time. If you sit with a thick wallet in your back pocket, the posture of your pelvis, back and lumbar vertebrae changes. "Wallet syndrome can be confused with a herniated disc, especially due to the clinical similarity," he said.

4 exercises that relax the hip

Ozcan said that exercise is an important part of the treatment and 4 exercises that help stretch the piriformis muscle in the hip. He explained the exercise as follows;

“First, lie on your back. With one leg flat on the floor, bend the other knee and pull it toward your chest and stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Then bend your knees and press your feet on the ground. Place the ankle on the side you want to stretch on the opposite knee. Stretch by pulling the top knee toward the opposite shoulder for 10 to 30 seconds. In our third move, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Place the ankle on the side you want to stretch on the opposite knee. Stretch the leg where the foot touches the ground by grasping the back of the thigh and pulling it towards your abdomen for 10 to 30 seconds. Finally, sit on the chair and wait for a month. While your ankle is touching the ground, place your opposite ankle on your knee. Without changing this position, lean your body forward, wait for at least 10 to 30 seconds.”

Warning that many symptoms that disrupt the quality of life of patients may develop due to both muscle and nerve involvement, Özcan said, “These symptoms "People with the condition should be evaluated and diagnosed and differential diagnosed through physical examination, medical history and diagnostic tests," he said.


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