It is Possible to Prevent Osteoporosis in the Early Period

Bone fractures can also be prevented

Osteoporosis is a skeletal system disorder that occurs with a decrease in bone strength that exposes the person to an increased risk of fracture. Bone strength; It reflects the combination of bone density and bone quality. Low bone mass results in increased bone fragility and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, resulting in an increased risk of fracture. By identifying risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related fractures, individuals at high risk can be identified, and thus fractures can be prevented by managing modifiable risk factors.

Bone resorption is most commonly seen in the spine, wrist and hip regions

Pain occurs as a symptom accompanying many metabolic bone diseases. Although it was thought that the first symptom of osteoporosis was a fracture for a long time, osteoporosis was added to the list of chronic painful diseases with the establishment of the concept of "microfracture", which develops at the microscopic level and cannot be demonstrated by radiological methods. Fractures in osteoporosis are most commonly seen in the spine, wrist and hip areas. These fractures can occur after a slight fall or impact. The shortening of height that occurs in osteoporosis patients also plays an important role in defining the disease.

Regular exercises and a special nutrition program are very important

Patients with osteoporosis suffer from serious physical symptoms as well as self-care and They face difficulties in performing daily living activities and participating in social life. The most effective factor in peak bone mass, which occurs in the first stages of life, is the genetic structure of the person. Therefore, a family history of osteoporosis increases the risk. In addition to nutrition, other risk factors for osteoporosis occurring at an early age include insufficient physical activity, low body weight, hormonal disorders and various medications. The intake of calcium and vitamin D, as well as other elements such as fluoride, phosphorus and zinc, also play an important role in bone formation. Studies have shown that physical activity and exercise reduce the loss of bone mass and increase bone mass. Strong in physical activities Technical loads and resistant exercises are the most effective exercises for bone strength.

Consume sufficient amounts of protein, fruits and vegetables

Protein constitutes approximately two-thirds of bone weight and is necessary for the formation of bone microarchitecture. Adequate protein intake is required in the diet to ensure the production of hormones and growth factors that increase bone formation. This is especially important for elderly patients with inadequate protein intake. However, at all ages, the total acid and alkaline load taken from the diet has an effect on calcium excretion, especially in individuals with inadequate calcium. Therefore, a balanced diet consisting of protein, fruits and vegetables is beneficial for bone metabolism.

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