Cocaine is a substance with a very high risk of addiction, and cocaine addiction seriously affects human health in thousands of people every year. Cocaine addiction develops insidiously, and once addiction develops, it can be extremely difficult to get rid of this substance alone. One of the most important risks in the repeated use of cocaine is that physical and psychological addiction lasts for many years.
One of the most important problems in the treatment of cocaine addiction is to prevent starting again after quitting the substance. Especially after quitting strong addictive substances such as cocaine, the person feels an intense desire for the substance and an urge to use the substance again. Because the person cannot overcome this situation, which we call craving, he starts using the substance again. The main thing in treatment is to first break the person's drug addiction with drug treatment and then make the necessary psychosocial interventions.
Unfortunately, there was no specific treatment method for cocaine addiction until recent years. Generally, attempts were made to eliminate addiction with supportive drug treatments, but this was often insufficient. In recent years, drugs have been developed that neutralize the effects of cocaine by acting on the receptors on which cocaine acts.
Cocaine causes users to become addicted to cocaine in a short time, as it gives pleasure to the person by rapidly and strongly increasing the release of dopamine in the brain. Long-acting injection therapy, developed in recent years, neutralizes the effects of cocaine by causing a slower and longer-term release of dopamine in cocaine-related brain regions.
In a significant portion of patients receiving long-acting injection treatment, drug cravings decrease, the rate of staying clean increases, The risk of relapse of addiction decreases.
Since stimulant and drug addiction requires at least 1 year of treatment, people who start the treatment process generally have the risk of leaving their treatment unfinished after a few months with the thought of being cured or with a momentary change of decision. Especially people who leave treatment unfinished begin to use the substance they quit in a short time. addiction treatment With long-acting injection treatments developed for patients, the obstacle to people leaving the treatment unfinished is almost eliminated. There is no need to use oral medication every day and it protects the person from cocaine for approximately 3 months.
After the detoxification treatment, which lasts approximately 1 week, it is applied every 3 months for at least 1 year to prevent the use of cocaine again. To apply this treatment, the body must be free of cocaine. In studies conducted with cocaine addicts, it has been determined that a significant portion of patients do not use the substance during this long-acting injection.
Treatment of addiction to cocaine, the use of which has increased in recent years, seems possible with this method.
Again. At least 1 year of treatment is required to prevent onset. For this reason, effective and reliable treatments are required to prevent cocaine addiction from using again after detox.
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