What are the early pregnancy symptoms?
Menstrual delay is often the first symptom. However, women who have irregular periods may not be aware of this. Many pregnant women complain of frequent urination, extreme fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and/or vomiting, breast tenderness, fullness and pain. These are normal early pregnancy findings.

When does the fertilized egg settle in the uterus?
The fertilized egg reaches the uterus as a 2-8 cell mass (embryo). It floats freely in the uterus for 90-150 hours. This period corresponds to 4-7 days after fertilization. It settles in the uterus (endometrium) in the mass stage called 'morula', which consists of many cells. This corresponds to the 6th day on average after fertilization. However, since there are wide variations in the time of ovulation,
the largest period of time for implantation is the 16-30th day of menstruation. It happens on days. For this reason,
development may not be compatible with the last menstrual period. Early ultrasounds are the most valuable data in determining the week of pregnancy. Medications taken before the nesting stage typically do not cause any harm.

Which is the most reliable pregnancy test?
Blood test (beta-hCG) is the most definitive diagnostic test. All pregnancy tests detect the hormone 'human chorionic gonadotropin' (hCG). This hormone begins to be secreted as soon as implantation occurs.
It rapidly increases in both maternal serum and maternal urine. It can be detected 8-9 days after fertilization.
The blood test detects lower values ​​earlier. HCG in the blood doubles in two days. However, an increase of at least 33% within two days
is considered normal. With vaginal ultrasound, the gestational sac can be detected at the earliest when the blood hCG
level is above 1500 IU/ml.

Which findings are normal during pregnancy?
The following findings are considered normal during pregnancy: Cramp-like pain in the groin , nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel
habits, frequent urination, palpitations, increased heart rate, feeling of shortness of breath, heart murmur, swelling in the feet

Why do pregnant women feel tired?
/> Many changes that occur due to pregnancy are perceived as fatigue and sleepiness. These; low blood pressure, low blood sugar, hormonal changes (especially progesterone), metabolic changes,
g It is the normal anemia of midwifery. You should consult your doctor and take the necessary medications or supplements.

How much does the uterus grow?
While the uterus is pear-shaped in the non-pregnant woman, it is sphere-shaped in the early 3rd trimester and oval-shaped in the term.
/> The uterus weighs 70 grams in a non-pregnant woman. 1000 grams at birth. reaches weight. While its volume is 1 ml in non-pregnant women, it reaches up to 20 L at the end of pregnancy. During the abdominal examination at the 12th week, the pregnant uterus is palpable.
At the 20th week, the pregnancy becomes visible.

When are the baby movements felt?
In first pregnancies, it is usually the 20th week. Baby movements begin to be felt around 18 weeks, but this is also possible in the 18th week. 15-16 weeks in subsequent pregnancies. It can be felt as early as a week. Baby movements are first felt as muscle twitching, tickling, and bowel movements. As the baby grows, it moves more strongly and
regularly. Baby movements are also felt more easily. In the early weeks, the pregnant woman often sits or lies quietly and can feel the baby's movements while concentrating on her body.

What changes are normal in the breast?
Pregnancy-related breast changes include breast growth, sensitivity, fullness; prominence of veins due to increase in blood flow; It is the darkening of the nipple (areola) color and the appearance of small swellings (Montgomery tubercles) around the nipple from the middle of pregnancy.

Is it normal for milk to come out before birth? ) is the result of the contribution of many hormones (prolactin, glucocorticoids, progesterone,
human placental lactogen). Spontaneous breastfeeding is not uncommon in the first trimester and in the 9th month. However, milk flow begins with the reflex that develops following the actual birth, because the progesterone hormone, which prevents the flow of milk, decreases rapidly after birth. The first phase of milk production
develops in mid-pregnancy and the pregnant woman has the capacity to produce the first milk, 'colostrum'. Colostrum is pale in color and has a consistency close to water
. It is high in protein and low in fat. Early milk arrival does not mean that milk production will be low after birth. The second and third stages of milk production occur after birth.

Does posture change during pregnancy?
As pregnancy progresses As the uterus grows, the waist curve will constantly become more prominent. As the uterus grows, the weight tries to keep the balance point on the legs. In the following weeks of pregnancy, the neck moves forward to adapt to the shape change in the waist
and pain, numbness and weakness occur in the arms.

What causes darkening of the skin?
In 90% of pregnant women skin color becomes darker. Darkening of color occurs due to the effect of pregnancy hormones, especially the MSH hormone
. Darkening is most commonly seen in the nipple, belly button, armpit, mid-umbilical line and external
genital area. A butterfly wing-shaped 'pregnancy mask' covering the nose and cheekbones can be seen on the face. An increase in its severity is prevented with sunscreen. Its severity decreases with birth. Other color changes are also common during pregnancy. Palmar erythema, pseudoacanthosis nigricans, vulvar or
dermal melanocytosis or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may be observed.

Why does acne increase during pregnancy?
In those who complain of acne and receive treatment before pregnancy, exacerbation occurs when medications are discontinued.
br /> The progesterone hormone, which increases greatly during pregnancy, is also a factor as it increases oil production in the skin. Sometimes
acne may occur for the first time during postpartum. Drinking plenty of fluids ensures hydration. Most local treatments
are safe.

What are the hair changes during pregnancy?
There may be a slight increase in hair growth during pregnancy. The reason for this is the increase in male hormones secreted by the ovaries and adrenal gland. In non-pregnant women, hair grows in the 'anagen phase' and rests in the 'telogen phase'.
Approximately 10-15% of hair is always in the telogen phase. During pregnancy, the scalp has more hair in the anagen phase. It is normal to lose hair in the telogen phase
so that new hair can grow back. Hair enters the growth phase during pregnancy. Starting from the last period of pregnancy, the hair goes into a resting phase where
shedding increases. Immediately at the beginning of puerperium, the proportion of hair in the telogen phase
increases. Although it may be uncomfortable, it is a normal process (telogen effluvium). The forehead and temples are most commonly affected.
Normally, 60-100 hairs are shed per day. 40% hair loss must be lost for it to be uncomfortable.
Telogen effluvium, often lasting 1-5 months Although it may last up to 1 year. There is no effective treatment.

Can pregnancy stretch marks be prevented?
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to prevent stretch marks on the skin that develop due to pregnancy. The degree of this crack development
is genetically determined. Rapid weight gain and a diet poor in protein increase the severity. Over time, their color
becomes silvery, but they do not fade. Benefits may be obtained from new medical laser treatments in the early period of puerperium.

Is there any visual impairment during pregnancy?
Physiological changes related to pregnancy cause stress in all systems. The eye is also
affected by this stress situation. Dryness is the most common complaint. It is thought that dryness is a result of pregnancy-related hormonal changes
. Therefore, using lenses becomes difficult. However, these are temporary. Additionally, existing eye diseases
may be aggravated. For example, eye disorders due to diabetes may progress.

Do headaches occur more frequently during pregnancy?
In most pregnant women, there is no change in the frequency or severity of headaches. Some of them get better, some of them
get worse. People with migraine often experience regression. However, since the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy increases fourfold in these people, close follow-up is recommended. Headache treatments other than migraine are difficult as medication use is limited in the first 3 months. Non-drug methods (relaxation techniques, good exercise programs)
are also recommended.

Slide 22. Is palpitation normal?
The most obvious changes of pregnancy occur in the respiratory and circulatory systems. Shortness of breath, dryness and bleeding in the nose, and easy fatigue are observed. Blood volume increases by 30-50%. Heart stroke volume increases. Heart rate
increases by 10-20 beats per minute. A heart murmur may be heard. These complaints are most severe between the ages of 20-24. It is felt in
weeks. As circulation slows down in the legs, edema occurs. There is increased pressure in the legs. This is accompanied by edema in the
ankle. All of them regress at the end of puerperium.

Do gallbladder and liver diseases become more common during pregnancy?
Due to the effect of increasing estrogen during pregnancy, gallbladder stone formation becomes easier. Skin
findings of liver diseases may be observed (spider angioma, palmar erythema). There may be changes in liver function tests (cholesterol increases, albumin decreases). Itching 'Cholestasis of pregnancy', which is prominent and serious laboratory findings are seen, requires treatment.

Why is heartburn common during pregnancy?
Gastric emptying and the lower end of the esophagus due to the effect of hormones in pregnancy. sphincter muscles relax. Stomach acid rebounds and causes reflux.

Is there a sleep disorder during pregnancy?
Functional changes occur in the sleep pattern during pregnancy. Sleep duration increases in the first 3 months, normalizes in the second 3 months, and shortens in the last 3 months. The frequency of waking up at night increases. In addition to conditions such as frequent urination, reflux, and dry nose due to the relaxation of smooth muscles, sleeping position discomfort, leg cramps, breast tenderness and anxiety also cause sleep disorders.

The lower back during pregnancy. and can back pain be treated?

50% of pregnant women complain of waist and back pain. Due to various reasons: The body's center of gravity
changes, loosening of joints, tension in ligaments, nerve compression, changes in circulation. The following are included in the
treatment: hot-cold application, acidaminophen, massage, correct posture, the right shoes, the right exercise program to increase muscle strength, placing a pillow between the legs while lying down, standing for a long time
placing someone on the stool.

Why are varicose veins common in pregnant women?
The reasons for the increase in varicose veins in pregnant women depend on the following: age, weight, familial tendency. Varicose veins can occur both on
legs and in the external genital area. They can be very painful. Treatment options; rest,
leg elevation, local heat, acetaminophen, compression socks.

Why do pregnant women have frequent urinary tract infections?
Normal changes due to pregnancy play a role in facilitating urinary tract infection: Upper collector
br /> enlargement of the will, hypotonic renal pelvis, vesicoureteral reflux, weakening of the natural immune system of the urinary tract. Typical complaints such as burning in urination, feeling of urinating again after urination
do not occur in pregnant women. In fact, there may not even be any complaints. Infection reaching the kidneys (pyelonephritis)
can cause very serious consequences.

Is dental treatment possible during pregnancy?
Teeth and gum health is very important during pregnancy. Gums become edematous and bleed easily.

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