Youth Vaccine with Stem Cells

Our fat tissue, which is commonly found on our face around the eyes and cheeks, decreases as we age, in addition to the changes that occur in our skin. In order to rejuvenate, procedures aimed only at the skin are not sufficient; the amount of fat underneath must also be replaced. The rate of utilizing fat tissue in Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery continues to increase. Innovations in liposuction (fat removal) methods are increasing in parallel, and Laser and Ultrasound assisted technologies are used. With the discovery of the benefits of reusing the obtained oils, searches continue to use this unique resource in areas where it is deemed necessary with minimal damage. Mesenchymal stem cells are obtained much more easily and from adipose tissue than from bone marrow. These precursor cells are called stem cells because they have the capacity to transform into tissues such as bone, cartilage and muscle. It is used in construction and repair mechanisms.

Searches continue to increase the viability of the given fat cells. In addition to the studies carried out to see if there are any differences in terms of the areas taken, the anesthetic substances given during the harvesting techniques, the diameters and hole sizes of the cannulas used for collection, the differences in the filtering, washing with serum and centrifugation of the fats taken, the injection methods and tools during application to the recipient site, the There are hundreds of studies in the literature regarding the preparation and storage conditions of the extracted oils. Surgeons are updating their methods in the light of scientific studies.

The fat collected after the need to inject with thinner cannulas was subjected to an enzymatic digestion process to thin it, and it was observed that the viability of the fat cells continued. It is now possible to transfer fat with thinner needles, and a concentrated source of stem cells is obtained by centrifugation after enzymatic degradation. Enriching fat cells with stem cells increased the duration of effect and repair power. In other words, while we retained 30%-50% of the fat we gave with traditional methods, the retention rate increased when we gave the same fat by enriching it with stem cells.

Carry out the collection and preparation of fats without air contact with special devices. We can. The prepared mixtures are effective with their filling and repair ability in restoring the volume of areas whose fullness has decreased over time, breast and butt shaping, hand rejuvenation, acne scar treatment, chronic wounds, burns and post-traumatic cavities and scars, and in the treatment of radiotherapy areas.

For more problematic areas where this method is insufficient; In the treatment of dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles around the lips and décolleté area, emulsified oils are used in order to be administered to the upper parts and folds of the skin with very thin needles, and this is called "Nano oil". It basically consists of stem cells and there are no fat cells left in it. Instead of its filling effect, its rejuvenating and revitalizing effect is used.

In suitable people, fat can be collected with local anesthesia. Results can be observed better between 1-3 months after the procedure. It is dressed with a bandage for about 3 days. Allergic reaction does not occur. It is not painful. Compared to hyaluronic acid fillers, which are called youth vaccines, they are treatments with truly rejuvenating properties prepared from their own cells.


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