They are benign local overgrowths covered with epithelium above the adjacent epithelium (mucosa). Submucous myomas, uterine adhesions and polyps can be listed as subsequent pathologies. Its incidence increases with age to 7.8%, and polyps are seen in 20-30% of infertile cases. Even if polyps are not treated, 70% of them disappear spontaneously.
It is now known that endometrial polyps are most commonly associated with age, menstrual irregularity, endometriosis and low birth rates. However, its relationship with cesarean stillbirth, adonomyosis and obesity is still questionable.
Characteristics of polyps:
From 1 cm to large enough to fill the cavity. They can reach. In 20% of cases, large numbers usually settle on the back wall of the uterus. They may be hypoplastic, atrophic and non-functional. It is said to be caused by a disorder in chromosome 6. Hyperplasia adono can be confused with cancer fibroma adonosalcoma.
Cause of infertility: prevents the fertilized egg from implanting into the uterus. It causes physical blockage. It distorts the uterine cavity.
Recurrent pregnancy loss:uterine blood flow is impaired. Uterine mobility increases. Placental growth is restricted to the area. Proper placement of the fertilized egg is prevented.
Taking history:There is menstrual irregularity.
Ultrasound: trans vaginal and 3D ultrasound
HSG: p>
Diagnostic cisteroscopy (definitive diagnosis)
MR p>
Endrometriol polyps
It is an Inflammatory endometrial disease.
The pregnancy rate of hysteroscopic polypectomy patients increases up to 50-79% after this procedure.
Polyps smaller than 2 cm do not affect pregnancy. . However, the rate of pregnancy loss increases.
If the diagnosis is made during infertility treatment for polyps smaller than 2 cm, the treatment will not be canceled.
If polyps are seen on the OPU day during in vitro fertilization treatment, polypectomy is performed immediately. Embryo transfer is applied.
Hysterescopic polypectomy is the gold standard method in treatment. However, it is insufficient for hyperplasia and ednometritis.
Hysteroscopy is not a necessary examination before IUF and after unsuccessful IUF applications.
After polyp removal, the embryo transfer interval in IUF applications should be between 2-16 days.
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